Hello, I am in the process of upgrading a clients site from GAVICK Template that’s currently in Joomla Version 1.5.26 to a Joomlart Template (JA FUBIX) that’s in a Joomla! 3.2.2 version.
Current site: http://obbha.ca/
Upgraded Site: http://obbha.dev.dnsnetworks.ca/ (haven’t touched it yet).
And have some questions…
Where would I start? They basically want it to function the same and have the same content. Is there a quick way of making this transition?
They currently use the extension JoomLeague to manage the sports side of things and have 2 users that do so (adding sport details and such)… since the new site is a 3.x version of Joomla I will have to use JoomSport….
They use Blue Flame Forms…. not sure if that’s do-able in version 3.x either…
Anyway .. all this to ask… what’s my best actions plan to make the current site into my my new Fubix template / Joomla version 3.2.2?
And would anyone be able to help me out ???