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  • wicksie Friend

    Hi guys, I have just done a vanilla install of Joomla 1.0.13 on a sub-domain and everything is fine; this is one of about a dozen installs of Joomla I have so this is not new to me.

    I have tried to install/upload Ja Olyra but to no avail – the following is the error message that returns:

    Upload template – Upload Error
    Failed to move uploaded file to /media directory.[unquote]

    /media is set to 777 and in fact the following are all set: so I cannot see what I am missing (no doubt something simple and something stupid 😉 )

    media/ Writeable

    Can anyone shed any light on what I have missed (I must admit that I have been away from Joomla for about 3 months but I am sure I have covered everything), I really would appreciate any replies that solve this.

    Thank you in advance

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Not sure. Could you check the ownership of files/folders?

    wicksie Friend

    hi Erik, thanks for your reply. I have done much research on this and there are quite a few instances out there on the i-net though none of their resolutions solve my problem.

    I have since contacted the host and I am still waiting for a reply, thanks again.


    Menalto Friend

    While waiting you can use your ftp program and upload the template manually

    wicksie Friend

    Menalto, hi, thanks for your reply too, I did toy with that idea but was afraid that I would miss a file in a directory somewhere along the line so was content to wait.

    It would seem that when I set the sub domain up it failed to initiate a _tmp directory and therein lies the error, as simple as that.

    Once again, thank you Erik and thank you Menalto

    jodyd Friend

    I’m having the same problem through FTP. I can upload an image into any other template in my Joomla database except the one I downloaded from Joomlart (ja_pariiti). I’m getting the same message – 553 Can’t open that file – Permission Denied. Which means I can’t replace any graphics or logos. All permissions are set to 777. What can I do?


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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