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  • agathamalina Friend

    I have installed joomla 2.5 on work4youth.org (hosting provider – cruzio.com) site and then proceeded to install ja_ironis template.

    Everything went well, except that I was not able to customize the template, like accessing the files via FTP or plesk to change the logo and edit some css files.

    I was able though to customize the template via Template properties in Joomla Administrative panel – but those options were limited.

    I noticed that for some reason I was not able to edit permissions on template files, as they seemed to be owned by a mysterious user named “apache”. I got hosting provider’s tech support to change the user back to me, so I was able to edit permissions on template files and edit css files and upload new logo.

    But now I cannot change any settings in ja_ironis Joomla Admin panel. The logo is set to text, not image and I cannot change that.

    Please help.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@agathamalina 305905 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    But now I cannot change any settings in ja_ironis Joomla Admin panel. The logo is set to text, not image and I cannot change that.

    Please help.</blockquote>
    When you say you cannot change any settings, are you saying that when you configure a certain element and try to save it … it will not save?

    agathamalina Friend

    Yes, When I try to change “Logo Type” in Template Manager: Edit Style from Text to Logo and Save I get an error message:

    An error has occured when saving Global Settings..

    An error has occured when saving the default profile..

    n6rej Friend

    you need to get the host to IDEALLY set the php/apache handler to cgi
    barring that, as them to reset the ownership / permissions site wide to 755 folder 644 files and then when you ftp in you must ftp in as the that owner.
    then you need to have ftp enabled in the joomla global configuration.

    agathamalina Friend

    (That was the worst possible advise you gave me! It screwed up completely the whole installation. I had to reinstall the framework and the template I wrote below yesterday, before fully testing the site after implementing changes you suggested.

    Thank you, n6rej for responding.

    I am not sure I was able to understand what you wrote. It doesn’t seem very “plain English”.

    I was able to get the hosting provider to change ownership of template file from “apache” to me, so I was able to set the permissions to ALL the files to be 755.

    I changed in Domain Setting, the PHP support to be run as CGI application, PHP ‘safe mode’ ON.

    I tried to enable FTP in Joomla Global Configuration, but kept getting an error: JFTP: :connect: Could not connect to host ‘ ‘ on port ‘ 21 ‘, I checked the settings and they are correct.

    I am not sure what you mean by “then when you ftp in you must ftp in as the that owner.”

    The owner I was talking about – “apache” does not exist and is not set up as FTP account owner.

    And now I don’t have access to configuration of the template (ja_ironis) at all!

    What’s going on? Should I delete the template all together?

    n6rej Friend

    you’ve got permissions / ownership totally hosed now….
    safe mode should NOT be on.. its a security risk.

    <blockquote>(That was the worst possible advise you gave me! It screwed up completely the whole installation. I had to reinstall the framework and the template I wrote below yesterday, before fully testing the site after implementing changes you suggested.</blockquote>
    Apparently I am bad at explaining this *sigh*…..
    http://www.wik12tech.org/index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewdiscussion&groupid=3&topicid=12&Itemid=0 might help explain… Wasn’t my advice that was bad was your interpretation thereof. NO where did I tell you to turn on safemode, or half the other things you did.

    without undoing what you’ve done your never going to have a happy joomla install..
    Read this .. http://docs.joomla.org/Should_PHP_run_as_a_CGI_script_or_as_an_Apache_module%3F

    agathamalina Friend

    Thank you!

    The articles you sent are very helpful.

    Yes, I undid everything, but it did not solve my problem.

    BTW- you did not suggest safe mode “on”. That was a default setting, which I reported to you. You did not mention anything about safety mode, so I had no idea at that point that that was wrong.

    Thank you for trying.

    n6rej Friend

    safest / best thing to do is contact your host, ask them to please move you to “cgi” for “fcgi” if the don’t know what you mean tell them you want suPHP
    Then folders to 755 files to 644
    Look through joomla docs ( the link alludes me and since its sunday my brain refuses to go look.) there is a nice document on setting up a server for joomla and which php settings to have / not have.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Sorry for your troubles. Since you appear not to be too far along in your development…the easiest remedy might be to simply back out, delete and try again. I’m assuming you are familiar with Joomla! and especially Joomlart (357 downloads) 🙂 and I’m assuming you have been though the installation process many times in the year and a half you’ve been a member.

    My recommendation, as now that it appears all of your permissions are set to “unwriteable” for whatever reason, would be to start from scratch…blow it all out, including the database, and start fresh.

    And this time if/when you hit a bump:

    Everything went well, except that I was not able to customize the template, like accessing the files via FTP or plesk to change the logo and edit some css files.

    Give US a shout at that point – BEFORE you call hosting tech support…just to make sure it is NOT a Joomla! related issue. In this case, I have a sneaking suspicion that the problem you had changing the logo (your initial problem) may simply have been one of finding the correct file to change rather than not being able to change it at all. Every theme usually carries with it it’s own logo file…a very common issue around here.

    Still, if you still want to try and workout the file ownership matter here’s a good read:
    But at this point there have been so many changes to your file/folder permission structure…I’d blow it out and start over.

    Good luck!
    Your site looks pretty cool and can’t wait to see the finished piece.

    Let us know if we can help further.

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