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  • pedrox Friend


    We need more diversity … is lacking templates for movies, videos and Ads.
    And it would be nice, a version of Ja_Pixeri for Joomla


    Saguaros Moderator

    Thank you for bringing this up

    When enough people are interested (or agree) to wanting a specific template (like JA University – an Education themed template), that is when we know it’s time to create one.

    kuerten Friend

    Add me up here please. Also, where can we check the JA University template?

    Saguaros Moderator


    Do you mean the demo site of JA Univesity template:

    pedrox Friend

    <em>@Saguaros 362024 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thank you for bringing this up

    When enough people are interested (or agree) to wanting a specific template (like JA University – an Education themed template), that is when we know it’s time to create one.</blockquote>

    For over 5 years I hear this justification
    The truth is that JoomlArt is not interested in our needs
    And always prefers to throw the same kind of templates

    My tips are not good enough for JoomlArt ?

    But they are good enough to Templaza
    Look: Templaza this month, will launch 2 templates suggested by me

    And “Prime” and “MeLoul” are not only more 2 templates, And some of these innovations are inspired by my model (

    PinMe (Ads Template)

    MeLoul (Music template)

    And see, Templaza, is not using third party components. They’re creating everything from scratch. That’s innovation

    swissa Friend

    I think you are being unnecessarily hard on JA. This is about the 5th post you’ve made recently complaining about the lack of them listening to your ideas.

    From my experience of JA they make templates that are very easy for anyone to work with but seriously flexible so that if you have some talent and skill you can transform them into something that is outstanding. I’m no developer but I’ve transformed some of their base work into unrecognisable designs.

    It is up to you, and your level of input be that time or skill, to make them “your own”. Look at the JED and there are plenty of extensions out there that are html5 compatible and WILL integrate into a JA template. Some will do it easily, some will take sort effort from you. But you can do it if you put your mind to it not just expect someone else to do it for you.

    I’m a relative newbie in Joomla and with no programming background. I find JA templates easy to get a base look and then customise, whereas with Yootheme for example the knowledge needed to get the styling right is far more advanced. Unfortunately you can’t have it both ways.

    Don’t forget you can also use a freelancer to do it for you i.e., and then YOU own all the modifications – which you can reuse again and again.

    Be positive, believe in yourself! And believe in Joomlart!

    pedrox Friend

    Sorry, I do not settle for a site “unrecognizable”.

    What I’m wondering will arrive one day. But why wait?
    After I saw what will come in the future, I can not content myself with less than that

    swissa Friend

    <em>@pedrox 364260 wrote:</em><blockquote>Sorry, I do not settle for a site “unrecognizable”.

    What I’m wondering will arrive one day. But why wait?
    After I saw what will come in the future, I can not content myself with less than that</blockquote>

    I suggest you play with a T3 Blank and make a design yourself. If only to hone your skill level. Putting responsive video into your site, even if it is custom html modules, is pretty easy. There are about 4 current designs from JA that you could adapt quickly to get what you want!!

    pedrox Friend

    I could create posts, so incredible and exciting as these ?

    I could use the smartphone to publish on my Joomla site?
    I could update my website, as easy and exciting as I update my Facebook page?

    tfosnom Friend

    @ swissa
    Hey mate

    I can see that since you got a free dev membership to stop you from leaving JA, you’re now very pro JA, 🙂 where once you were very outspoken like pedrox regarding template quality, stability etc?

    Given Hung saying he doesn’t care about what we want ( re: Ja Argo) its what Ja wants to give us whether we need it, want it, like it etc. It’s what JA (Hung) tells us his experience says we must have. for the people who KNOW what a good template is?

    While I have respect for Hung and his company, experiences etc. that poor “my way or the highway attitude” explains why JA has gone downhill and is desperately trying to bail itself out with JAT3 V3 and trying to convince all other template makers to come over to that framework.

    I joined and rejoin JA to get quality templates, not roughly thrown together rehashes of previous works or beta releases cause JA has other priorities, such as jat3 v3 etc.

    Further being a loyal paying member, I don’t like told by the CEO “I don’t care, I know best.”. from JA Argo Thread

    <blockquote>Some of you may dislike the idea behind this template, I don’t care. As a person who has been spending thousands of hours working with Joomla, with web development, I really know what makes a great template.</blockquote>

    If JA wants beta testers for their product, fine, np ask and pay us to test. but don’t release obvious unstable or incomplete work into the club, expecting members to cop its a beta don’t moan, wait a few days for updates that are planned. . . . no other club I am a member of, (shape 5 and Virtueplanet) releases stuff as betas. they concentrate on supporting their paying membership with relatively bug free stable first release templates.

    That’s why I am here and while I and my small band of clients believe we know what constitutes a great template, I don’t want to use a blank template on any framework and spend countless hrs making my own great work, if we all did that template clubs wouldn’t exist.

    I guess all I want a good template both in visual and functional ability, stable and ready to use with a minimum of customisation. That’s why I personally use a template club (service) and why I thought a template club exists.

    swissa Friend

    <em>@tfosnom 364275 wrote:</em><blockquote>@ swissa
    I can see that since you got a free dev membership to stop you from leaving JA, you’re now very pro JA, where once you were very outspoken like teh OP regarding template quality, stability etc?

    Given Hung saying he doesn’t care about what we want ( re: Ja Argo) its what Ja wants to give us whether we need it, want it, like it etc. It’s what JA (Hung) tells us his experience says we must have.

    While I have respect for Hung and his company, that poor my way or the highway attitude explains why JA has gone downhill and is desperately trying to bail itself out with JAT3 V3 and trying to convince all other template makers to come over to that framework.

    I joined and rejoined JA to get quality templates, not roughly thrown together rejashes of previous works or Beta releases cause JA has other priorities, such as jat3 v3 etc.

    Further being a loyal paying member, I don’t like getting thrown ‘crumbs’ or beta releases and told by the CEO “I don’t care, I know best.”. from JA Argo Thread

    If JA wants beta testers for their product, fine ask and pay us to test. But no other club I am a member of, shape 5 and Virtuplanet releses stuff as betas. they concentrate on supporting their paying membership with relatively bug free stable templates</blockquote>

    That’s actually a cheap shot. I’m not overly pro JA at all.

    I haven’t really used the new T3V3 to any great level, but I am playing with it without LESS and with SAAS instead. I don’t disagree that design needs to be improved but seriously, whilst they get act together, my attitude is make the best of it and use my own talents and thoughts to further develop a template. Doing so has taught me a lot. I agree about not releasing beta versions and have said so. Users shouldn’t be bug testers.

    I AM anti people being downright rude and shouting “me, me, me”. Repeatedly. Talk well to people and generally they’ll respond by being nice back. Keep poking them with a stick and they’ll bite back. Bet you don’t change your mind/direction if people keep poking a stick at you. Why should anyone else (i.e. Hung) be any different?

    tfosnom Friend

    <em>@swissa 364267 wrote:</em><blockquote>I suggest you play with a T3 Blank and make a design yourself. If only to hone your skill level. Putting responsive video into your site, even if it is custom html modules, is pretty easy. There are about 4 current designs from JA that you could adapt quickly to get what you want!!</blockquote>

    I use slideshowck, found here at JED and find it is great for responsive videos plus being a Joomla module, saves a lot of HTML Iframe etc coding. Just my little contribution.

    tfosnom Friend

    <blockquote>That’s actually a cheap shot. I’m not overly pro JA at all.

    I haven’t really used the new T3V3 to any great level, but I am playing with it without LESS and with SAAS instead. I don’t disagree that design needs to be improved but seriously, whilst they get act together, my attitude is make the best of it and use my own talents and thoughts to further develop a template. Doing so has taught me a lot. I agree about not releasing beta versions and have said so. Users shouldn’t be bug testers.

    I AM anti people being downright rude and shouting “me, me, me”. Repeatedly. Talk well to people and generally they’ll respond by being nice back. Keep poking them with a stick and they’ll bite back. Bet you don’t change your mind/direction if people keep poking a stick at you. Why should anyone else (i.e. Hung) be any different?</blockquote>

    I’m sorry you think I was baiting you or having a cheap shot, it was an observation on your change of attitude from pointing out JA’s deficiancies in so many posts I won’t bother to drag up, to one of lets give poor JA a fair go. Nothing more nothing less Swissa.

    Blessings Shannon

    swissa Friend

    <em>@tfosnom 364283 wrote:</em><blockquote>I use slideshowck, found here at JED and find it is great for responsive videos plus being a Joomla module, saves a lot of HTML Iframe etc coding. Just my little contribution.

    Great product and what slideshowlite should be.

    swissa Friend

    <em>@tfosnom 364284 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’m sorry you think I was baiting you or having a cheap shot, it was an observation on your change of attitude from pointing out JA’s deficiancies in so many posts I won’t bother to drag up, to one of lets give poor JA a fair go. Nothing more nothing less Swissa.

    Blessings Shannon</blockquote>

    Again, there is little change towards JA. They still have deficiencies and still need to improve greatly in my opinion.

    However, if we want change we have to encourage them not keep being rude and beating them up. You don’t train a child, a dog or anyone that way. Keep doing so and you get an F-you response.

    Positive encouragement works far far better. If a few more people did that perhaps we’d get there quicker?!

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