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  • JasonDisbrow Friend

    I just saw this on the main page
    <blockquote>Note: Using JA templates/products on more than 02 sites (your own website or your company website) or on clients/3rd parties without Developer Membership License is illegal. JoomlArt may contact any site who use JA products asking for the license information.</blockquote>

    Am I to understand that if I’m just a member of the Template Club then I’m only allowed to use the templates I download on only 2 sites total. Not to be a PITA or anything but thats the first time I’ve heard of such a requirement and its the only place I’ve found that mentions this, your “terms of use” says nothing about limiting the use to templates on 2 sites only. Are members that joined before this change exempt to this 2 site limit at least until there 1yr is up?

    Second question, this new Developer license. I can use any and all templates, on an unlimited amount of sites right?? Also would I still be required to keep the joomla.com copyright on the bottom of the template, and if so could I alter it so its not so visible. I’d like to start using your templates for my clients and I’d prefer that they didn’t know where I was getting them from. Oh finally, this license is good for a year, if I should decide not to renew after that time and I still have sites running on your joomla templates then would those sites now be running illegally or would it be ok since they were made during the licensed period.

    thanks for the quick response.

    nathanbohn Friend

    you can eliminate the footers at the bottom of the page, as long as you do not remove the owner names in the actual code base itself. You can edit the footer in the Joomla Site Template manager>>>Template Name>>>Edit Html and it is usually at the bottom with a php_footer somewhere around it.
    As far as your other questions, most template sites, have a Developer and seperate Single User license. The developer agreement will allow you to use all the templates and products on unlimited number of sites. but….

    The Developer Membership License can be understood as the authorization to use any JA template/product for further development. Developer membership owner can use any JA templates/products for clients/3rd parties but not to resell them in any form.

    you can not resell them and claim them as your own.

    So in summary,,,
    Question #1- Most Templates Club (at least the Joomla ones) only allow you to use the templates on the site of the purchaser, so the 2 site limit is a niceflexible alternative.
    Question #2 – Use templates/products unlimited, yes…You can edit the footer but not the names of the creators in the code base.

    as far as #2C goes….

    Oh finally, this license is good for a year, if I should decide not to renew after that time and I still have sites running on your joomla templates then would those sites now be running illegally or would it be ok since they were made during the licensed period.

    i could not tell ya, and would have to wait for an “official” response

    smatos Friend


    I am glad someone has asked this question already, I happened to check the site today and what do you know…. there is a small note on there about the TERMS OF USE CHANGED.

    I noticed that the Terms of Use page has also changed to something entirely different than when I purchased my membership, but here is what the original said, and I quote:

    “Please be sure you understand and agree to our terms of use before downloading our using any of our JoomlArt.com templates for your personal or client sites. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the contact page.”

    My question is the same as Jason’s, Are members that joined before this change exempt to this 2 site limit ?

    Nathan, I understand that other Template sites have this “Developer License” or “PRO” and that’s ok, but correct me if I am wrong, when you purchase this license don’t you expect to get your money back in return from your customer or are you just giving them your templates for free?

    smatos Friend

    Hey Dihn,

    Is this broke too?

    It’s been over a week and I at least would have expected an answer by now from the persons running JoomlArt, as this affects how individuals use your products, but I guess I will have to wait for an “official” response too.

    Anyways, I guess it doesn’t really matter.


    alberts Friend

    I am wondering this myself. I’m surprised there is not an official response from the owners of this site. Maybe this question would be better noticed in the Pre-Sales section. I’m going to post a question there about this now.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Thank you very much for your question, I have just revised the Terms of Use.
    Please have a look at http://www.joomlart.com/terms_of_use.html
    If you have any question, kindly let me know.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    I am going to add a notification to all the club members in the next newsletter about this.

    smatos Friend


    So the answers to the questions are?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    My question is the same as Jason’s, Are members that joined before this change exempt to this 2 site limit ?

    If you join the club before the Revision date of the TOU, you will not be affected by the changes.
    I hope this will clear up the confusion.

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