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  • Richard A Friend

    I downloaded the quickstart package for JA Mitius and am using the default template layout from the demo. I know there are no images in the download version of the demo and started to use proper images using the existing demo file structure.

    I replaced the sl-01.jpg background with an actual jpg image but the text block disappears, is there something else I need to do? The file name is the same, in the same folder, same path.

    The sl-02 to sl-04 text appears on the demo background.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Do you mean the image in JA Slideshow Lite module? Which version of joomla are you using with this template? Did you ever try to disable cache in advanced option of this module.

    If this problem still persist, pm me admin and FTP account, I shall check for you.

    Richard A Friend

    I downloaded the quickstart package for Joomla 3.0 and the problem was with the JA Slideshow Lite module. The cache was always disabled.

    I took another look and eventually found the problem, when I replaced the sample data image file sl-01.jpg with my own image, I called the file Sl-01.jpg and assume the background code is set to recognise an image with the file name sl-01.jpg so the capital letter at the start was the issue.

    Thank you for the good support and offer to fix the problem, but It is working properly now.

    A quick question (or do I open a new thread):

    I am changing sample data category and item names, adding new categories and items, added EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss, Komento, JomWall, JCK Manager and JA K2 Filer components with their various modules and plugins (they auto add as new main menu items on the JA Mitius template). I am also adding positions to their modules/plugins and will be adding/changing/removing modules/plugins from pages to arrive at a final layout version.

    I noticed JA Countdown no longer works (the final display image) and clicking on the Forum menu gives a 404 error (all the Kunena menu items are now unpublished in the admin section, but I didn’t change them), possibly because I added the EasyBlog/EasyDiscuss/Komento components, not sure.

    I am using the JA Mitius default template but should I be using my own override template to do all these changes? I haven’t directly altered any html/css code, but have I done so indirectly? I have looked at template override and custom css guidelines online but am not sure when or if I should have moved away from the JA Mitius default template.

    Saguaros Moderator


    If possible, post your site url here so that I can check for you 🙂

    Richard A Friend

    Thank you, pm sent to you with access details.

    vistasad Friend

    I have same problem. please check for my site url

    Saguaros Moderator

    @dealthenuts: the countdown page gives 404 error since the article Demo Landing Page assigned to menu item named Countdown is not ready to start, it’s pending instead. Setting it to start help to solve this.
    @vistasad: please tell me which page you face the same problem so that I can look at it.

    P/s: pls don’t post sensitive info (admin account) of your site in public, you can pm me instead 🙂

    Richard A Friend

    Thank you for help Saguaros, appreciated!

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Richard A 11 years, 10 months ago.

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