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  • nicely Friend

    I’m using quite a few JA Side News modules in a Mero site, but they don’t seem to accept text formatting. Is there a way to enable this?

    TomC Moderator

    So that I can take a look and try to assist, please provide the url of the site you’re working on

    nicely Friend

    It’s a passworded development site, so I’ll PM the details to you 🙂

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@nicely 379252 wrote:</em><blockquote>It’s a passworded development site, so I’ll PM the details to you :)</blockquote>

    You can give me an screenshot of the problem and url of your site here, I shall check it for you.

    nicely Friend

    Here’s a sample showing the exact problem with formatting (or lack of)

    I cannot post the site link here as a login is required to view it. Shall I PM it to you?

    1. Untitled
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Yes, you can pm me URL of your site and login access info. Maybe I would suggest better solution then

    nicely Friend

    I’ve sent a PM 🙂

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@nicely 379759 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’ve sent a PM :)</blockquote>
    I’m afraid I’m not quite getting what you are mentioning above. Right now its difficult to guess the issue and give solution to you. It would be awesome if you can possibly include a screenshot and description on that particular screenshot on what you would like to do. It would help to understand the issue and give you specific answers.

    nicely Friend

    Sorry for the delay replying. I didn’t receive a notification.

    OK. The JA Side News module displays articles and/or an image in sections. The article is formatted with line break, bold text, underlined text, etc. The problem is that the text that displays in the module is stripped of all that formatting.

    Here’s two screen shots. The first shows the article as it is formatted, the second shows how it appears in JA Side News.

    1. Untitled
    2. Untitled2
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    In JA SideNews module, we customize the way content displays and it drops all html format of content. But if you don’t want to do this you can fix it with my below solution

    + Open templates/ja_mero/html/mod_jasidenews/default.php file


    <?php if ($descMaxChars!=0) : ?>
    <?php echo $helper->trimString( strip_tags($item->introtext), $descMaxChars); ?>
    <?php endif;?>

    change to

    <?php if ($descMaxChars!=0) : ?>
    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $item->introtext, $descMaxChars); ?>
    <?php endif;?>

    + Open modules/mod_jasidenews/helper.php file

    Line 575 remove this script


    $subject = strip_tags($subject);

    change to

    //$subject = strip_tags($subject);

    nicely Friend

    Thanks. Made those changes, but still no difference.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Please pm me admin access and ftp account of your site. I shall help you to fix it directly on your site.

    nicely Friend

    You have PM 🙂

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@nicely 381854 wrote:</em><blockquote>You have PM :)</blockquote>

    Because JA SlideNews Module on your site is appearing with Layout Style is Slide New, i have fixed as the same here
    on templates/ja_mero/html/mod_jasidenews/sidenews_content.php file

    Please check it again let me know if it helps

    nicely Friend

    Thanks Ninja Lead! You sorted it 🙂 The other problem with responsive formatting sorted itself when I added an image to the displayed article.

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