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  • Ulrich Reuther Friend

    :cool:Hey guys, I think we should all be greatful that joomlart deliver two templates per month. If it would be just one template a month…I would also be a paying member. SO THANK YOU A LOT JOOMLART TEAM. Martin.:)

    mfcphil Friend

    Yes but how long can it go on for??

    As your templates become more advanced, the length of time to create them also increases…soon you will be getting ONE great template a month and one mix and match one, put out as quickly as possible to stop all those that complain whenever a template is a day late.

    Unless Ja doubles its staff….are you prepared to pay extra for that?

    skyjuice Friend

    @mfcphil i guess its not an issue for us to pay extra as long the quality of the template and the variation of the template that can be modified as we want. As end user we will stick as pre agreement with ja to provide us 2 template of month, even do the template is just another upgrade from previous template like ja avian and avian 2 , at least you guys have motivated to do some improvement , and no doubt ja have a quality to provide quality template we can take alook on the afford of some nice template like ja_teline 2 and ja_larix but in same time i also looking for better improvement in ja support because not all of us is web developer or web designer. πŸ˜‰

    zorroh Friend

    i’ve prepared to pay extra for that. im lazy, so better i pay to joomlart for 2 templates then pay for another club membership somewhere else.

    fortest Friend

    I would rather see one new template per month and have that one template be the best it possibly can be. Possibly have the template of each month out during the first or last week of each month & maybe have two templates during december.

    Two templates a month seems rushed in my opinion.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@comtech 53075 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would rather see one new template per month and have that one template be the best it possibly can be. Possibly have the template of each month out during the first or last week of each month & maybe have two templates during december.

    Two templates a month seems rushed in my opinion.</blockquote>
    I agree 100% with this.

    zorroh Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 53078 wrote:</em><blockquote>I agree 100% with this.</blockquote>

    im disagree. i like 2 templates in month and if this option is avaible, then i want to use it πŸ™‚ for me is 2 templates main buy-reason. i use templates more like starting point. for me are templates like good idea. i even not complaining so much about bugs, because actually i need idea for design with some extensions and then some alternatives or solutions for joomla templates.

    i dont know, is my opinion clear here because my bad english. so i explain in another way…
    i develop almost every month atleast one (usually there are more work than one) websystem, so i need more than one template in month. if some templates are buggy, so what? atleast i have idea for template πŸ™‚ and another reason is that i dont want pay for many club membership to get more “ideas-soltions”. and thats the reason whay i can pay even more for JA membership then right now.

    swemmel Friend

    Hi guys,

    I think we already had this discussion ……… for soooooooo many times. Hung even put a poll on the forum for this subject. The score was about 50-50. 50% for 1 template a month, 50% for 2 templates a month. I guess it will be a discussion inside JA staff too. When Hung decides to switch to 1 template a month, in my opinion he will only be able to do this exactly 1 year after the announcement that JA will switch to 1 template a month, to prevent complaints from customers who just became a member because of the fact that JA develop 2 templates a month.

    In my opinion the quality of the JA templates are in general very good. Maybe once in a while there is 1 buggy template. Or once in a while there is a improved “old” template. But in general JoomlArt succeeds to offer a quality template. This is just my opinion (as developer).

    With kind regards,

    bossep Friend

    I am rather new to both Joomla and Joomlart but have been developing software and websites since 1995. In my opinion it’s better to get ONE good template a month than 2 that is so simple I can and have time to build it myself.
    Joomla is getting more future rich by the day and as everything that evolvs it gets more sophisticated and complex. Meaning that it takes longer to build and debug. Please check out some of the earlier templates from JA and compare with Teline II and you know what I am talking about.
    Besides how many of you are using all the templates here?

    Just my 2 cents on the issue


    zorroh Friend

    seems that going again to “1 vs 2 template in month” fight

    bigrk Friend

    I vote for one template a week. :p:p Four templates a month sounds good to me. Why go the other way when you can get more. πŸ˜€ It makes about as much sense as this ongoing conversation of one or two a month. πŸ˜‰

    bossep Friend

    <em>@bigrk 53098 wrote:</em><blockquote>I vote for one template a week. :p:p Four templates a month sounds good to me. Why go the other way when you can get more. πŸ˜€ It makes about as much sense as this ongoing conversation of one or two a month. ;)</blockquote>
    Hello bigrk,
    Think I did a newbe “jump into the deep side here”


    fortest Friend

    <em>@bigrk 53098 wrote:</em><blockquote>I vote for one template a week. :p:p Four templates a month sounds good to me. Why go the other way when you can get more. πŸ˜€ It makes about as much sense as this ongoing conversation of one or two a month. ;)</blockquote>

    Two templates per month is already stretching the talented developers a little thin (in my opinion), and if Joomlart were to go towards one template per month then I could see some awe inspiring templates being designed that would be as good, if not better than what you see from other Joomla template clubs.

    No other club that I am aware of releases two templates per month and there is a reason for it. Creating templates takes a creative mind, a creative process, ideas and if two templates a month are released then the creative process becomes a little less innovative.

    I can fully understand why 50% of the club members would prefer to continue having two templates per month instead of one really great template. On the other hand, I tend to feel those who complain about the suggestion to downgrade towards one template per month are in fact holding Joomlart back from its full promise. The customers are always right & you can’t dictate how things are going to be when your customers are your business.

    All that anyone can say is take a moment, think about how great the templates could be if the developers were not stretched thin by working on two templates a month. You already enjoy some of the templates created, these could become much more – but not unless changes are made that enable Joomlart developers time to use their creative process. Designing any kind of Art takes time for the ideas to be written out, mapped out, and then you have to go over several drafts before you even get close to the finished materpiece.

    The above is only my opinion.

    starmed Friend

    <blockquote>Please take a moment to clearly think about your reply before you make it. </blockquote>

    You could not tell he was joking?

    Can we please kill the 1 or 2 template talk. The decision was made long ago. I feel bad for the new people signing up for two.

    fortest Friend

    <em>@starmed 53135 wrote:</em><blockquote>You could not tell he was joking?

    Yes I could. However the comment he/she made was still foolish.

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