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  • agnews Friend

    Again, a problem when trying to “re-create” the template as in the demo. When entering as plain HTML the code

    <div class=”social”><a class=”ico-social ico-facebooks” href=”#” title=”Facebook”><span>Facebook</span></a><a class=”ico-social ico-twitters” href=”#” title=”Twitter”><span>Twitter</span></a><a class=”ico-social ico-rss” href=”#” title=”RSS”><span>RSS</span></a></div>

    …. and pressing save.

    If you enter the module’s custom content AFTER the same, the code you get is:

    <div class=”social”><a class=”ico-social ico-facebooks” href=”#” title=”Facebook”><span>Facebook</span></a><a class=”ico-social ico-twitters” href=”#” title=”Twitter”><span>Twitter</span></a><a class=”ico-social ico-rss” href=”#” title=”RSS”><span>RSS</span></a></div>

    Pay attention to all the black slashes added. Finally, the end result, is as in the screenshot below.

    Last, but not least, if I add the actual Facebook URL for the site, and click on the link, i’m not being driven to the facebook actual URL BUT in the a url like this http://www.mydomain.com/“http://www.facebook.com/blahblah….. which of course is not valid.

    Anyone having answers on this one? The same problem appears to be happening on the footer’s social buttons.

    1. JoomlartProblem2
    agnews Friend

    This problem is fixed. For future use if anybody has the same problem, be informed that is caused by the Magic Quotes being turned on. Either de-activate it on the whole hosting package, or place a php.ini file inside the administrator folder with the following code:

    ; Magic quotes

    ; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
    magic_quotes_gpc = Off

    ; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
    magic_quotes_runtime = Off

    ; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of ').
    magic_quotes_sybase = Off

    When this is done both the appearance is fixed and links are working properly.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi agnews,

    You’re right. The problem comes from that Magic Quotes in Joomla 3.0, all apostrophe ‘ and quotation ” characters seem to be escaped by slashes / for text fields and textarea fields.

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