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  • huena Friend

    When you open and save administrator’s language file from the backend of JA Voice,
    The keywords below the line 571 will be removed !!

    How to reproduce: (DON’T DO THIS ON YOUR LIVE SITE!)

    1. Login to the backend (control panel ) of Joomla!
    2. Click joomla! menu “Components” -> “JA Voice”
    3. Click JA Voice menu “Design & Customization” -> “Languages”
    4. Click “Administrator” -> “English(United Kingdom)”.
    5. English Keywords and Values are shown in editor. You’ll see the file has 670 lines.
    6. Do nothing, but just click “Save”

    No error messages are shown. (Message shown is “Language file was successfully updated!” )
    But some keywords have been removed already.

    To confirm,
    Click “Administrator” -> “English(United Kingdom)” Again.
    You’ll see the keywords below line 571 are missing.(The file has only 571 lines! )
    With a file manager like extplorer, you can see the file really has only 571 lines.

    The same situation also caused for my translation file created by JA Voice (in my case, ja-JP.com_javoice.ini)

    I guess the reason is the keyword at line 572.
    the keyword at line 572 is:

    This keyword “<=” may be treated as a part of HTML, and PHP might eliminate the followings when it escaped HTML tags.

    To avoid this bug currently, Use other file maneger to edit and translate JA Voice into your language.

    I hope developer will fix this bug on the next release.
    Thank you in advance.

    nghiatd Friend


    Thanks you very much for your report and solution.:laugh:
    We will remove this code [PHP]<==<= [/PHP] in next version of javoice.

    Best Regards.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nghiatd 13 years, 10 months ago.

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