test melih
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  • TomC Moderator

    As JA has been good enough to create a new Tutorials site to compliment the JA templates and extensions, I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread dedicated for requests/ideas for JA template/extension specific tutorials that can be added to the list.

    Looking forward to seeing some ideas . . . .


    TomC Moderator

    I would like to see a tutorial for mixing/matching various JA template elments with other JA Templates.

    For example, I really like the Member Login function of JA Teline and Quijilla, but I am using JA Larix as the base template for my site. In other words, I would like to have the Teline login for my Larix template.

    Since these are both JA templates, I assume it is possible to integrate functions from one JA Tempalte into another – yes? If so, would it be possible for the Developers/Admins to write up a tutorial as to how this can be accomplished? I mean – after all – is not the purpose of a “tempalte” to improve and customize from the base model?

    And it doesn’t have to be limited to just my mix-n-match request . . . as I am sure there are others who would like to integrate features from one template into another.



    Note from MiCCAS: We’ve added this for you – http://tutorials.joomlart.com/general/adding-hpanel-to-custom-template.html

    TomC Moderator

    Am I the only one who has requests for tutorials ??


    Menalto Friend

    Yes, we others know how do to things, maybe you want a tutorial on how to use the new ja slide gallery in any template??

    Just joking with you here, i wish there was more request for this as i would like to write some

    Michael Casha Friend

    I actually have written a tutorial, but I’m not sure where I posted it. I will take a look tomorrow, but I will try and get a tutorial up to teach you how to bring the hpanel module into another template.

    Stay tuned!

    Michael Casha Friend
    fabulous Friend


    Just wanted to say THANK YOU for setting up the new tutorial site. I’ve watched all the ones you’ve put up so far and voted on them too.

    I joined the JA Templates Club in order to get the JA Rochea template for a site I’m doing for myself personally. I’ve had several challenges getting my site to operate like the demo, and since there was no Quick Install for this template it’s made this difficult to accomplish.

    I’m disappointed that I spent so much $$$ for one template and I cannot get it to work properly. I’ve read all the JA Rochea forum posts and there have been quite a few members who have had experiences similar to mine. I don’t understand why no one from JA is helping to resolve these issues,

    My membership will be expiring in about a month and I don’t want to pay for a longer subscription because I feel three months should be plenty of time to get one itty bitty template up and running.


    Michael Casha Friend

    Send me a PM and Id be glad to help out

    purpleplume Friend


    I sent you a PM on this.

    Many Thanks!

    Michael Casha Friend

    <em>@purpleplume 29007 wrote:</em><blockquote>MiCCAS,

    I sent you a PM on this.

    Many Thanks!</blockquote>
    Doesn’t look like I received one πŸ™

    TomC Moderator

    Don’t let this thread die 😎

    Michael Casha Friend

    Keep the ideas coming, I’m just about to have a few weeks spare so I can work on these tutorials for you guys!

    mfcphil Friend

    I would like to see more tutorials for the editing of the images in the templates.

    Michael Casha Friend

    <em>@mfcphil 33213 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would like to see more tutorials for the editing of the images in the templates.</blockquote>
    Sounds like a great idea, keep the ideas coming guys! I’ll add this to my list πŸ˜€

    vince2 Friend

    1. Tutorials on image editing are good–including how to edit the logo in Photoshop (text and reflection, as well).

    2. Tutorials on how to manage settings in the joomla admin panel–1.5 version–as they affect various aspects of the templates.

    3. Thorough tutorials on how to get the most out of the various plug-ins included with the templates–e.g., the News plug-in, sliders, galleries, etc. It’s no use having great tools like these, if we’re not getting the most out of them. Forget developing other plug-ins, until those that are already available are working as they should.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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