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  • beyondsports Friend

    using this and it is great… have edited and added 3 staff memeber’s… for some reason it is still showing a blank space after the 3rd person…. i just opened up the module and deleted and added my info… is their anything else i need to edit to get rid of the white space… if that make’s any sense…
    here is the url: http://www.factualmortgage.com/Joomla/

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi beyondsports !
    You open templates/ja_edenite/css/template.css file find following code section at about line 1109 :

    div.ja-innerdiv {
    border-bottom:1px solid #E7E8E6;

    change into :

    div.ja-innerdiv {
    border-bottom:1px solid #E7E8E6;

    dutchmarshall Friend

    Hi Moderator, I was wondering how to use this module for Ja Edenite, In you code you are poointing to the margins, but want to use the module on my site . how do I integrated it in my site?

    Thanks in advance

    mfcphil Friend

    There is a nice easy way to do this.

    First go to the original site which you want your module to look like http://www.factualmortgage.com/Joomla/ and highlite and copy there staff module


    Now go to your site and create a new module. ( just copy any one of yours that has the text editor availble. Now name the new module and paste what you have copied in the text area


    Now change the pictures to some of your own edit the text and publish it to where you want it to go.

    Hope this helps 😉

    1. Untitled-2
    2. Untitled-3
    dutchmarshall Friend

    Hi Thanks, it seems to work. Only the header I need to ajust and whallaa 😉 thanks again.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  dutchmarshall 16 years, 7 months ago.

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