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  • graphicstylus Friend

    in the flypage_new for each product before the price is written out i am seeing

    the world Price:and than everything


    I have been looking but cant find where to remove that. I want:
    Market Price:
    WDS Price:
    You Save:

    Thanks guys!

    graphicstylus Friend

    Anyone have an idea on this…i have been looking all over the place

    Menalto Friend

    Look in the language files for virtuemart if you find it there

    graphicstylus Friend

    I tried removing where it said Price: ….refreshed it…cleared cache and nothing…i think it is hard coded somewhere…but cant seem to find it.

    Menalto Friend

    Why not change Price to Market Price?? That should give you the what you want or?

    graphicstylus Friend

    That would work too but i cant find where the word price is so i can modify it….

    Menalto Friend

    Line 61
    var $_PHPSHOP_CART_PRICE = 'Price';
    Line 67
    var $_PHPSHOP_PRICE_LABEL = 'Price: ';

    Line 236
    var $_PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_PRICE = 'Price';
    Line 266
    Line 367
    var $_PHPSHOP_PRICE_LIST_PRICE = 'Price';
    Line 375
    var $_PHPSHOP_PRICE_FORM_PRICE = 'Price';
    Line 401
    Line 583
    Line 696
    This is what i find in the english.php file for virtuemart, so take a look there and you find it

    graphicstylus Friend

    hey menalto,

    i found them too and tried it. the site shows ‘Price: ‘ with a collon and space afterwards….in the english we only have one place that has it with collon…if i edit it nothing happens…thats why i think it is hard coded in the code where price is generated ….i cant seem to find where exactly.

    graphicstylus Friend

    Ok after doing digging i finally figured it out….it has to deal with language file but i would not change it in there because other places may call it for the same thing and you will mess it up there….

    but go to shop.product_details.php on line 190 and comment it out like this:
    /** $product_price = “<strong>”. $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_CART_PRICE. “: </strong>”; **/
    Now it will just show the pricing.

    i hope that helps…if confused post or email me and i will explain more!

    but i want to thank menalto for replying!!!!!

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  graphicstylus 17 years, 3 months ago.

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