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  • hollistergj Friend

    I have installed Purity III v 1.2.1, T3 Framework package v 2.7.0 and t3 framework plugin 2.7.0 on joomla 3.8.2 When I go to the "themeMagic" area of the theme, it shows a blank page, when I make changes and click "preview" it shows: "You have navigated to another page which using another template or your current preview page does not support LESS. ThemeMagic has been temporarily disabled." I see other people have had the same issue but don’t really see a solution that works for me at this point, I am using the most updated versions of things…

    elns Friend

    I do see the same problem. The preview area stays blank for about 10 seconds, and then display what looks like less code:

    .\n@body-bg: #fff;\n\/\/** Global text color on
    .\n@text-color: @gray-dark;\n\n\/\/** Global textual link color.\n@link-color: @brand-primary;\n\/\/** Link hover color set viadarken()function.\n@link-hover-color: darken(@link-color, 15%);\n\/\/** Link hover decoration.\n@link-hover-decoration: underline;\n\n\n\/\/== Typography\n\/\/\n\/\/## Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more.\n\n@font-family-sans-serif: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n@font-family-serif: Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif;\n\/\/** Default monospace fonts for,, and

    This is both on Purity 3 and on t3 bs3 blank.

    Saguaros Moderator


    I just tried to install Joomla 3.8.2 + T3 Blank + T3 plugin v2.7.0 but the ThemeMagic still worked normally: http://prntscr.com/halhqp

    @hollistergj: I can’t access backend of your site, it seems that the info is incorrect.

    hollistergj Friend

    @saguaros: I reset the pw, it should work now.

    Saguaros Moderator

    I check the ThemeMagic and it shows properly: http://prntscr.com/hau4rx

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