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  • eshealth Friend

    I’ve starting to use Joomla few days ago and i need help in certain simply aspects of its use.
    I’ve bought JA_Sulfur templates and I trying configure it to adequate at my necessities.
    I’ve some simply, I think & hope, questions:

    1- how can I move the moduls/layout positions? (for example i have the main menu above the logo but i want it below!).
    2- in the menu style of sulfur template configuration i like the split one but it’s the only one that haven’t cascade/down option like as MOO Menu & CSS Menu. Can i utilize split Menu with cascade/down option?
    3- where i find the color’s backgrounds configuration of the different layout/moduls to customize it?
    4- and the separating lines? (for example i have to use a logo that is larger than the default one and utilizing it appear a line in the middle of it at the height of the end of the previously logo; see it at: http://www.eshealth.eu/eshealth/public_html/).
    5- the last one, but also the more shameful one: I find the articles located in sub-pages in the “article manager” but where and how can I change the aspect of my sub-pages?

    I hope I was not too boring and not asking too things, but I need really your help!
    Thanks for reading and even more to answer.

    TomC Moderator

    Greetings Tommaso …. and WELCOME TO JOOMLART !!! 🙂

    <em>@eshealth 292614 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    1- how can I move the moduls/layout positions? (for example i have the main menu above the logo but i want it below!).</blockquote>
    I will need to look into the template files to better assist you with this one. I will be getting back to you soon.

    <em>@eshealth 292614 wrote:</em><blockquote>2- in the menu style of sulfur template configuration i like the split one but it’s the only one that haven’t cascade/down option like as MOO Menu & CSS Menu. Can i utilize split Menu with cascade/down option?</blockquote>
    Unfortunately, that is the way that the Split Menu functions. The closest alternative would be “Dropline Menu” – which, unfortunately, does not appear to have been included with this particular template.

    <em>@eshealth 292614 wrote:</em><blockquote>3- where i find the color’s backgrounds configuration of the different layout/moduls to customize it?</blockquote>
    It actually appears that you may already know the answer to this question – as you have already modified the logo CSS for the “blue” theme. In any case, the CSS for the color themes can be found within the following path –> /templates/ja_sulfur/css/colors

    <em>@eshealth 292614 wrote:</em><blockquote>4- and the separating lines? (for example i have to use a logo that is larger than the default one and utilizing it appear a line in the middle of it at the height of the end of the previously logo; see it at: </blockquote>
    This element is actually a “border” property that you can find/modify within the following CSS . . .

    templates/ja_sulfur/css/template.css . . . at line 811

    <blockquote>#ja-header {
    background: url(“../images/header-bg.gif”) repeat-x scroll left top transparent;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
    z-index: 10;
    simply remove the “border-bottom” property to get rid of that line that appears to go through your logo.

    <em>@eshealth 292614 wrote:</em><blockquote>5- the last one, but also the more shameful one: I find the articles located in sub-pages in the “article manager” but where and how can I change the aspect of my sub-pages?</blockquote>
    You will need to clarify this statement a bit more. What do you mean by “change the aspect of your sub-pages?”

    eshealth Friend

    Hi TomC,

    thanks a lot for your quick answer!
    Efectively for the last points I’ve clarify my mind using FireBug, it’s great! and with this I can accede directly to the properties I’ve need.
    For the last question I did, I mean, how can I differentiate the home page from the secondary-pages, sub-pages or section pages? but I think I can choose what appear in what page using the “menu assigment” section in the module manager, it’s exact right?
    The only doubt remain me now it’s how to move the order of the modules, my first question.

    Thanks for your help, you’ve been so kind.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@eshealth 292858 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    For the last question I did, I mean, how can I differentiate the home page from the secondary-pages, sub-pages or section pages? but I think I can choose what appear in what page using the “menu assigment” section in the module manager, it’s exact right?[/quote]
    This is exactly correct . . . you can configure which modules are assigned to which pages/menu items within each respective module’s configuration settings.

    The only doubt remain me now it’s how to move the order of the modules, my first question.

    Thanks for your help, you’ve been so kind.
    I apologize – I did nto get a chance to dive into the JA Sulfur files last night to assist you with this one.
    I will do so today and get back to you with what you need to do (it’s not very difficult at all). 😎

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  eshealth 13 years ago.

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