test melih
Β melih
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  • musicinme Friend

    I spent about two hours to make few modifications and add some functionality to current template. Moved breadcrumbs under menu position, implemented posibility to change header graphics and colors of text in header and navigation menu, as well as shade of main background.

    Please test it. I don’t have demo site right now. I tested on localhost.

    1. Upload folder style included in first, old JA Purity

    2. Edit File (templates/ja_purity_ii/templateDetails.xml)

    Line ~27


    Line ~231

    <param name="@title" type="japaramhelper" label="Template Styles" description="TEMPLATE STYLES DESCRIPTION" />
    <param name="image_header" type="filelist" directory="templates/ja_purity_ii/styles/header" default="" label="Header Images" description="HEADER IMAGES DESCRIPTION" />
    <param name="theme_header" type="folderlist" directory="templates/ja_purity_ii/styles/header" default="" label="Header Themes" description="HEADER THEMES DESCRIPTION" />
    <param name="theme_background" type="folderlist" directory="templates/ja_purity_ii/styles/background" default="" label="Background Themes" description="BACKGROUND THEMES DESCRIPTION" />
    <param name="theme_elements" type="folderlist" directory="templates/ja_purity_ii/styles/elements" default="" label="Primary Elements" description="PRIMARY ELEMENTS DESCRIPTION" />

    Line ~237

    <param name="@title" type="japaramhelper" label="CUFON" description="Cufon DESCRIPTION" />
    <param name="ja_cufon" type="list" default="1" label="ENABLE CUFON" description="ENABLE CUFON DESC">
    <option value="0">No</option>
    <option value="1">Yes</option>


    3. Edit File (administrator/language/en-GB.tpl_ja_purity_ii.ini)

    Line ~22

    CUFON DESCRIPTION=<b>Cufon</b> aims to become a worthy alternative to <b>sIFR</b>, which despite its merits still remains painfully tricky to set up and use.

    Line ~32

    TEMPLATE STYLES DESCRIPTION=Chose style for template
    HEADER IMAGES DESCRIPTION=Support 3 built-in background images
    HEADER THEMES=Header Themes
    HEADER THEMES DESCRIPTION=Support 2 built-in background colors
    BACKGROUND THEMES=Background Themes
    BACKGROUND THEMES DESCRIPTION=Page background themes
    PRIMARY ELEMENTS=Primary Elements
    PRIMARY ELEMENTS DESCRIPTION=Page primary elements themes


    4. Edit File (language/en-GB.tpl_ja_purity_ii.ini) and add at the end

    YOU ARE HERE: You are here


    5. Edit File (templates/ja_purity_ii/layouts/blocks/footer.php) and replace everything with

    <div class="ja-navhelper wrap">
    <div class="main clearfix">

    <div class="ja-footnav">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="footnav" />

    <ul class="ja-links">
    <li class="layout-switcher"><?php $this->loadBlock('usertools/layout-switcher') ?>Β </li>
    <li class="top"><a href="<?php echo $this->getCurrentURL();?>#Top" title="Back to Top">Top</a></li>

    <ul class="no-display">
    <li><a href="<?php echo $this->getCurrentURL();?>#ja-content" title="<?php echo JText::_("Skip to content");?>"><?php echo JText::_("Skip to content");?></a></li>


    <div id="ja-footer" class="wrap">
    <div class="main clearfix">

    <div class="inner">
    <div class="ja-copyright">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer" />


    6. Edit File (templates/ja_purity_ii/layouts/blocks/mainnav.php)

    Line ~18
    <blockquote> <div class=”ja-breadcrums”>
    <strong><?php echo JText::_(‘YOU ARE HERE’)?></strong> <jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” />


    7. Edit File (templates/ja_purity_ii/layouts/blocks/header.php)

    Line 1 to 14

    <div id="ja-header" class="wrap">
    <div class="main" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $this->templateurl(); ?>/images/header/<?php echo $this->getParam('image_header'); ?>);">
    <?php if ($this->getParam('theme_header') && $this->getParam('theme_header')!='-1') : ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->templateurl(); ?>/styles/header/<?php echo $this->getParam('theme_header'); ?>/style.css" type="text/css" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($this->getParam('theme_background') && $this->getParam('theme_background')!='-1') : ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->templateurl(); ?>/styles/background/<?php echo $this->getParam('theme_background'); ?>/style.css" type="text/css" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($this->getParam('theme_elements') && $this->getParam('theme_elements')!='-1') : ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->templateurl(); ?>/styles/elements/<?php echo $this->getParam('theme_elements'); ?>/style.css" type="text/css" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <div class="inner clearfix">

    <div class="ja-headermask">Β </div>

    8. Edit File (templates/ja_purity_ii/styles/header/blue/style.css)

    Line 1

    #ja-headerwrap {
    background: #006699;
    color: #C3DFED;

    .ja-headermask {
    background: url(images/header-mask.png) no repeat scroll right top;

    9. Edit File (templates/ja_purity_ii/styles/header/green/style.css)

    Line 1

    #ja-headerwrap {
    background: #7BA566;
    color: #E4EFDF;

    .ja-headermask {
    background: url(images/header-mask.png) no repeat scroll right top;

    lukeduck Friend

    Hi musicinme,

    Thank you for this tutorial and files.

    Here is the stage of site:

    I have installed your file ja_purity_ii_modified.zip
    I selected:

    Header Images: header1.jpg
    Header Themes: green
    Background Themes: purewhite
    Primary Elements: green

    I want it to look like this (ja_purity 1):

    I have two problems:

    The horizontal menu is still black, the bottom of the header too.

    Vertical green lines appear in position User2, user3, user4, User7, user8

    Can you help me?

    denis25 Friend

    Hi I give you an other version of header themes and color themes

    I worked with your version, and I modified it

    lukeduck Friend

    Thank you Denis πŸ˜‰


    denis25 Friend

    I updated the file two messages above πŸ˜‰

    lukeduck Friend


    Thank you πŸ™‚

    Can you explain the changes?

    Is it possible to create other template style easily ?

    denis25 Friend

    <em>@lukeduck 161143 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    Thank you πŸ™‚

    Can you explain the changes?

    Is it possible to create other template style easily ?</blockquote>

    Look at this http://forum.joomla.fr/showthread.php?t=112469 (in French)

    denis25 Friend

    Ja Purity II v1.1 Plug – Dens v1.2 is a version of the template which needs the new plugin
    in this one you can change header theme and colors.

    see here to get the ZIP

    korb Friend

    Have anyone tried building this template? πŸ™‚

    viet4777 Friend

    It can’t be believed. This is an excellent guidance.

    Thank JA teams.

    korb;161520Have anyone tried building this template? πŸ™‚

    denis25 Friend

    @ Korb

    First, thank’s for this excellent guidance πŸ˜‰
    But the modifications I give, are not the same thing. You can choose from the back-end between differents header themes and color themes.

    hanson2545 Friend

    well….good job…thanks

    korb Friend

    <em>@denis25 161563 wrote:</em><blockquote>@ Korb

    First, thank’s for this excellent guidance πŸ˜‰
    But the modifications I give, are not the same thing. You can choose from the back-end between differents header themes and color themes.</blockquote>

    I see what you mean mate, my only concern is weather you know about the official documentation or not. The team is still working on it, but it is pretty close to a final form.


    gambalunga Friend

    Thank you Denis25

    <em>@denis25 161500 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ja Purity II v1.1 Plug – Dens v1.2 is a version of the template which needs the new plugin
    in this one you can change header theme and colors.</blockquote>

    I have been working on the addition of yellow themes to JA Purity and then I discovered JA Purity II which clearly has many advantages but I quickly discovered that there was no easy way to change colour themes in the back end. Your modifications haved saved me trying to re-invent the wheel (so to speak).

    I will now start work on a yellow version.

    I have one problem however: in all the areas with a yellow background I would like to change the text colour to black. Logically this should only apply if the yellow theme is selected. As you are now very familiar with the code can you please suggest where I need to make these alterations. I was not entirely successful with my attemps on JA Purity version original.

    I notice that there is still the same problem with the Joomfish flags interfering with the search position. I would like to place these flags at the right hand side of the horizontal menu bar but I can not work out how to do it. Perhaps a small area nominated user12 at this point would resolve the problem?


    denis25 Friend

    <em>@korb 162193 wrote:</em><blockquote>I see what you mean mate, my only concern is weather you know about the official documentation or not. The team is still working on it, but it is pretty close to a final form.


    Thank’s for your link.
    I have understand now the T3 ‘s philosophy, and I’m working on color themes with this.
    I’ve already created the structure of the override, I still have to apply the various colors to the template.

    A link to see the progress of my work

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