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  • charles99 Friend

    I would like to know in which file is the AddThis.js being called!

    I have already posted twice about this script being used without any notice what soever, just to check my log and see that it is trying to index my system, which it is not suppose to be doing!

    The other post stated all you had to do is disable the social module, but after doing that it is still being called by the template. I replaced the template with an youjoomla, Gavick, Joomlaxtc and yootheme template and the problem was solve. So the template is the problem!!!

    So the Addthis.js is being called from Joomlart Template. So I will ask once again where is the file, so I can remove the addthis.js comment.

    The statement in this template is calling the AddThis Widget:

    /* (c) 2008-2013 AddThis, Inc */
    var addthis_conf={ver:300};if(!((window._atc||{}).ver)){var _atd=””,_atr=window.addthis_cdn||”//”,_euc=encodeURIComponent,_duc=decodeURIComponent,_atc={dbg:0,rrev:125397,dr:0,ver:250,loc:0,enote:””,cwait:500,bamp:0.25,camp:1,csmp:0.0001,damp:1,famp:1,pamp:0.1,tamp:1,plmp:1,vamp:1,cscs:1,ohmp:0,ltj:1,xamp:1,abf:!!window.addthis_do_ab,qs:0,cdn:0,rsrcs:{bookmark:_atr+”static/r07/bookmark041.html”,atimg:_atr+”static/r07/atimg041.html”,countercss:_atr+”static/r07/counter013.css”,counterIE67css:_atr+”static/r07/counterIE67004.css”,counter:_atr+”static/r07/counter017.js”,core:_atr+”static/r07/core113.js”,wombat:_atr+”static/r07/bar026.js”,wombatcss……..

    charles99 Friend

    I have downloaded a number of templates from Joomlart but I have not used a single one on my main website! and I don’t think I am going to use this one either… But I was able to solve the the Addthis.js problem. And disabling the module does not disable the call to system, or stop them from trying to index a person website.

    But my tech guy placed a block on their IP Address and a couple other things around my servers to keep them away from my system… We will be scanning all new templates from Joomlart from this point!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi charles99,

    In this template, we add code for Addthis button in this file: ja_obeliskhtmlcom_k2ja_obeliskcategory_item.php

    <!-- Addthis button -->
    <div class="shareon">
    <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
    <a class="addthis_button_compact" addthis:userid="joomlart" addthis:url="<?php echo $this->item->link; ?>"><i class="icon-share"></i></a>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <!-- AddThis Button END -->
    <!-- End addthis -->

    Kindly take a look and remove it if you don’t want to use.


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