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  • rhante Friend

    i want to change my date format at top

    1- it is M/D/Y, i have to change it D/M/Y
    2-When i put the mouse over ‘year’ its starting to show day name, and i need to change this according to my language,

    where can i change both?

    khoand Friend

    Open file<joomla url>templatesja_teline_ivblockstopbar.php, go to line 16. Changing code like this:
    echo “<span class=”day”>”.date (‘D’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”month”>”.date (‘d’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”date”>”.date (‘m’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”year”>”.date (‘Y’).”</span>”;

    khoand Friend

    My previous post only solve your first problem. To solve the second, you must to change code in topbar.php file at line 17:
    echo “<span class=”day”>”.JText::_(date(‘D’)).”</span>”;
    Of course, you have your language is installed in joomla

    cripcrip Friend

    i have same problem.
    and for second question?

    i’d like change starting day name when i put mouse on year.

    and i have another question 🙂
    when i create a new articol the “Last update” don’t have my time but another time maybe -2 hours.


    rhante Friend

    <em>@khoand 223420 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
    My previous post only solve your first problem. To solve the second, you must to change code in topbar.php file at line 17:
    echo “<span class=”day”>”.JText::_(date(‘D’)).”</span>”;
    Of course, you have your language is installed in joomla</blockquote>

    TY Khoand

    u answered my questions both,

    i have last one.

    how to change “last update : 01:24:00 PM GMT” ? can i change as 24h format according to my time

    khoand Friend

    Hi rhante,

    Open file<joomla url>pluginssystemjat3jat3corecommon.php, go to line 778. Changing code like this:
    return gmdate(“H:i:s“, $sec+$tz);

    rhante Friend

    <em>@khoand 223514 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi rhante,

    Open file<joomla url>pluginssystemjat3jat3corecommon.php, go to line 778. Changing code like this:
    return gmdate(“H:i:s“, $sec+$tz);</blockquote>


    ty khoand

    cripcrip Friend

    Thank’s Khoand,
    sorry but last question. My timezone is wrong. about 2 hours, please can you help me?


    khoand Friend

    Hi cripcrip,
    It may be that you set location settings. You check that location settings–>server time zone is UTC. You could modify server time zone until it’s right for you.
    There is zone list:
    ‘Kwajalein’ => -12.00,
    ‘Pacific/Midway’ => -11.00,
    ‘Pacific/Honolulu’ => -10.00,
    ‘America/Anchorage’ => -9.00,
    ‘America/Los_Angeles’ => -8.00,
    ‘America/Denver’ => -7.00,
    ‘America/Tegucigalpa’ => -6.00,
    ‘America/New_York’ => -5.00,
    ‘America/Caracas’ => -4.30,
    ‘America/Halifax’ => -4.00,
    ‘America/St_Johns’ => -3.30,
    ‘America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires’ => -3.00,
    ‘America/Sao_Paulo’ => -3.00,
    ‘Atlantic/South_Georgia’ => -2.00,
    ‘Atlantic/Azores’ => -1.00,
    ‘Europe/Dublin’ => 0,
    ‘Europe/Belgrade’ => 1.00,
    ‘Europe/Minsk’ => 2.00,
    ‘Asia/Kuwait’ => 3.00,
    ‘Asia/Tehran’ => 3.30,
    ‘Asia/Muscat’ => 4.00,
    ‘Asia/Yekaterinburg’ => 5.00,
    ‘Asia/Kolkata’ => 5.30,
    ‘Asia/Katmandu’ => 5.45,
    ‘Asia/Dhaka’ => 6.00,
    ‘Asia/Rangoon’ => 6.30,
    ‘Asia/Krasnoyarsk’ => 7.00,
    ‘Asia/Brunei’ => 8.00,
    ‘Asia/Seoul’ => 9.00,
    ‘Australia/Darwin’ => 9.30,
    ‘Australia/Canberra’ => 10.00,
    ‘Asia/Magadan’ => 11.00,
    ‘Pacific/Fiji’ => 12.00,
    ‘Pacific/Tongatapu’ => 13.00

    cnanews Friend

    Hello, My update time is not working. It shows all time 20:00:00.
    Have you any idea?

    gholt Friend


    How would I go about removal of the date if I dont want it to be shown?

    At the moment I have renamed the topbar.php so that it doesnt show up but I wonder if this is the correct way to do this??


    mecreative Friend

    I am not able to change the time from GMT to my current time. Please let me know how to do it. I set the server time as my time but it didn’t work.

    issay Friend

    hello khoand

    How i can change PM/AM in ( Last update10:41:21 PM ) to my language.

    aim using joomla 1.5.23 with teline IV

    pritam Friend

    Hello ,

    To change the PM/AM in ( Last update10:41:21 PM ) to your own language.

    You can refer to this url to :- http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/french-date-format-in-ja-teline-iv/

    khoand Friend

    <em>@issay 244503 wrote:</em><blockquote>hello khoand

    How i can change PM/AM in ( Last update10:41:21 PM ) to my language.

    aim using joomla 1.5.23 with teline IV</blockquote>

    What format do you want to change? You give me a example to illustration, please.

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