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  • giuseppegreco Friend

    Hello everybody,

    on my JA Lens’ homepage, Timeline doesn’t show all categories. Currently i’ve created 22 categories (2 with first level) in K2, but only 3 of them are visible (3 categories, third level, who don’t contain any elements, and start with an “A” and “B”) on my home.

    When I’m trying to modify the module to select all categories, I get this error on my homepage:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare monthcompare() (previously declared in /home/httpd/vhosts/peppinoline.com/httpdocs/templates/ja_lens/html/mod_k2_tools/archive.php:42) in /home/httpd/vhosts/peppinoline.com/httpdocs/modules/mod_jak2timeline/tmpl/default.php on line 47

    Also, i’ve created 2 elements, one element with creation date in 2011, and one in 2012. The only element visible on my homepage is theone from 2011. “2012” doesn’t even appear.

    Could you help me? Thank you very much!

    giuseppegreco Friend

    (All categories are selected in my Main Menu)

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi giuseppegreco

    I can not access your site. Please update your login info again or PM me. I will check it out and help you.


    giuseppegreco Friend

    Hello HeR0, i’ve send you a PM.

    ps: now my homepage shows all elements (in 2012 and 2011), but the categories problem’s still there (only 3 are visible in the dropdown)

    sanjiovani Friend

    I am having the same problem – When i click – Click To Load More Awesomeness on the home page – it adds the same k2 items it does not add new k2 items

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi, please update to supper admin account please, i can not access your site front end with this admin account.
    <em>@giuseppegreco 334390 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello HeR0, i’ve send you a PM.

    ps: now my homepage shows all elements (in 2012 and 2011), but the categories problem’s still there (only 3 are visible in the dropdown)</blockquote>

    giuseppegreco Friend

    i’ve sent you a PM.

    HeR0 Friend

    I checked around on your site and could see that it is working well.
    What is your problem?

    giuseppegreco Friend

    Only 3 categories are showing in the dropdown Categorie on my homepage.

    I’ve created 2 main categories with sub-categories, but the only categories showing are those third-level ones (“Amiens”, “Brighton”, “Burundi”).

    HeR0 Friend

    HI Giuseppegreco
    Because module setting only shows category voyages of Categories List (Menu) Settings param which has 3 children categories
    Now, i re-set it to none ( same select all ). Please confirm that.


    giuseppegreco Friend

    Thanks HeR0,

    are you talking about the “Category”, type K2 Tools, position “categories” ?

    i thought i did check what category the module is supposed to show.. what a silly mistake 😛

    too bad the module can’t show the different sub-levels.

    Thanks for your help 🙂

    toucandesign Friend

    <em>@HeR0 335035 wrote:</em><blockquote>HI Giuseppegreco
    Because module setting only shows category voyages of Categories List (Menu) Settings param which has 3 children categories
    Now, i re-set it to none ( same select all ). Please confirm that.



    Can you please be more specific as to what “module” you are referring to? This seems to be the same issue I was having in my thread regarding category display.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi there,

    This is a problem setting of module parameters. @giuseppegreco has a incorrect setting when he select category voyages in Categories List (Menu) Settings param which has only 3 sub categories. So module only displays 3 categories. You should select all to display all.


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