I have two issues
1) The website title in the browser window on the front page states Joomla Template for Universit….
here is a part of the source code in the header:
<meta name="keywords" content="Joomla 2.5 template, Joomla education template, template for education, Joomla university template, joomla template for education, Joomla template" />
<meta name="rights" content="mosprep" />
<meta name="description" content="Joomla template for education purpose from JoomlArt – JA University. This template is compatible with the latest version of T3 and supports K2 component." />
<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! – Open Source Content Management" />
Joomla Template for University and school websites – JA University – (real title)
On the other pages except the front page , the keywords and the title are set correctly and in accordance to Joomla – "Global Configuration"
This is not happening with other templates. How do I fix this issue?
2) How do I upgrade from JA University JAT2 v3 template, to JA University is the T3 version?
I used quickstart during my initial install, do I use quickstart with the new version or do I just go ahead and install each package separately, if so in what order?