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  • globalchin Friend

    Hi Admin,

    I am willing to edit my page. If you see attach file of picture, it will tell you which specific I am willing to edit. First I like to increase feather box, because it is so tiny and it like not nice. If you can tell me specific code and line to edit this space, I will so happy.

    And second, I am willing to put ja-tabs 2 on the right hand-side. Can u tell me how to install ja-tabs2 there?

    I have ja-tabs in my page which is on content-mass bottom. I try to move this ja-tabs to sl1.3< I can’t. Please, I need your help!

    Thank You


    1. 222320121119_121532
    Luna Garden Moderator

    It’s position sl1-1 and sl1-3.
    To increase the size of sl1-1, please go to:
    Find this line:

    <block name="topsl1" type="spotlight" special="left" specialwidth="50" main-inner="1" >sl1-1,sl1-2,sl1-3</block>

    The specialwidth=”50″ defines width of sl1-1 blocks, feel free to change the value as needed!

    globalchin Friend

    Thank you so much: It works perfectly. Can you answer my second question? If you see attach file picture, I want to put ja-tabs2 at sl-3. How can a put ja-tabs2 at sl-2 section?



    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hi Globalchin,
    There’s no position name sl-2 or sl-3 in your site, only sl1-2 and sl1-3
    Here is the Module position image: http://static.joomlart.com/images/templates/J17/JA%20NEX/module-position.jpg
    You can see that sl1-2 and sl1-3 position are next to each other.
    <blockquote>I want to put ja-tabs2 at sl-3. How can a put ja-tabs2 at sl-2 section? </blockquote>
    Chang the position won’t change anything in front-end.
    If you still want to change, go to back-end >> Module Manager >> Click on your Module ja-tabs2 >> Change position to sl1-2 >> Save change and clear cache.

    globalchin Friend

    Okay- Let me bother you with one more question. How can I create New module position of Ja-tabs2? Because Ja Nex template has only on ja-tabs. SO, I need to create new module of ja-tabs2.

    Thanks ALot.


    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@globalchin 347669 wrote:</em><blockquote>How can I create New module position of Ja-tabs2? Because Ja Nex template has only on ja-tabs. SO, I need to create new module of ja-tabs2.

    Hi Shar,
    Please go to back-end >> Module Manager >> Click on your Module ja-tabs2 >> Change position to sl1-2 >> Save change and clear cache.
    You don’t need to create a new position named ja-tab2.
    Check out our template positions for more details: http://static.joomlart.com/images/templates/J17/JA%20NEX/module-position.jpg

    globalchin Friend


    There was only Jatabs position at content mass bottom, and I created jatabs2 and put at sl-3. And I want to put “latest news/ most read news” inside jatabs2, but there is no way out to place in it. How can I put latest news/ Most read inside jatabs2? Please!

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@globalchin 347975 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    There was only Jatabs position at content mass bottom, and I created jatabs2 and put at sl-3. And I want to put “latest news/ most read news” inside jatabs2, but there is no way out to place in it. How can I put latest news/ Most read inside jatabs2?</blockquote>

    Hi Globalchin,

    Here is the userguide for JA Tab Plugin: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-tabs-plugin-for-joomla-2-5-userguide/

    To put your module inside JA Tab, create an custom HTML module with this code:

    <div>{jatabs type="modules" module="ja-tabs" position="top" mouseType="click" animType="animMoveHor" } {/jatabs}</div>

    Set position of <blockquote>”latest news/ most read news” </blockquote> to ja-tabs

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Luna Garden 12 years ago.

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