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  • Noman Friend

    Hello gentlemen

    A small problem as per subject. I need to have a banner just to the left from the logo in JA.Nickel. I don’t have a clue how to get it there. Is there anyone, who was able to achieve this please? Thank you.

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    1. pls send you live site.
    2. pls more descript allow us to help you

    Noman Friend

    Hi Quang

    The website isn’t live yet. Just a local installation. What I’m trying to achieve is to have a top banner where the logo and login box is. Just in between them. Screen attached. Thank you.

    1. topbanner
    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    oh, need to creat new module positions at your banner.(edit css and index file, so cant show it here)

    Noman Friend

    Hi again

    Thanks for that, but I have no clue how to modify those files. What and where to add. :((

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    pls contact me, I can do it for you

    Noman Friend

    Hello members again…

    Any known solution please? Still struggling the get it to work. Thank you.

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    follow me
    1. open your template index.php
    line 95 affter </div> add:

    <div id="ja-topbanner" class="ja-headtool">

    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="topbanner" />


    and open templateDetails.xml
    line 36 add


    and login your admin and publish banner module to topbanner position
    That s all

    segou Friend

    This put the banner in the same position as the site logo – Can do you place the banner in the middle as shown in Norman’s description.

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    yes, need to add some css place it at middle
    But I can see his site, so I cant do it for him

    Noman Friend

    Hello Quang

    I appreciate your help, however, the website isn’t live yet and it’s installed locally. I was hoping for the task to be very simple. Even you will see the website, I still don’t know what will be the difference. The template isn’t modified in any way so, you can download it here and look into the original code. if you’re still happy to help. Thank you again.

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    pls contact via PMB , I can help you with Teamveiwer software:

    segou Friend

    Please see screenshot attached. Thanks for looking at it.

    1. screenshot-JA-N
    segou Friend

    HI quang268,

    Did provide attachment but I did not see a reply from you though

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    I said that: need to send live site

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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