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  • binarypro Friend

    I am trying to change my template (JA_Edenite). I would like to change the top menu button when active from Lime green to Grey. I tried to change color of highlight menu item from green to cyan, I opened /ja_edenite/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja.css.menu.css and found this code, #ja-cssmenu li a.active, #ja-cssmenu li a.active:hover, #ja-cssmenu li a.active:active, #ja-cssmenu li a.active:focus {
    background:#91AE4E url(../../images/grad2-2.gif) repeat-x scroll center top;
    I changed grad2-2.gif to grad3.gif and still not working….

    need help.. thanks

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi binarypro !
    It’s best if you send link of your site !

    binarypro Friend
    Nam Nguyen Phi Friend

    Your issue is the same as this http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/change-of-colors/
    Pls read it to get solution.

    binarypro Friend

    I’ve already changed the grad2-2.gif to grad3.gif, and it didn’t work??

    #ja-cssmenu li a.active, #ja-cssmenu li a.active:hover, #ja-cssmenu li a.active:active, #ja-cssmenu li a.active:focus {
    background:#91AE4E url(../../images/grad2-2.gif) repeat-x scroll center top;
    You can change name “grad2-2.gif” to “grad2-1.gif” or “grad2.gif”.
    If you want to change to another color, pls open /images/grad2-2.gif and modify it.

    binarypro Friend

    This is where I changed name of “grad2-2.gif” to grad3.gif” which is located in /ja_edenite/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja.css.menu.css and found this code
    #ja-cssmenu li:hover,
    #ja-cssmenu li.sfhover,
    #ja-cssmenu li.havechildsfhover,
    #ja-cssmenu li.havechild-activesfhover {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    background: url(../../images/grad3.gif) repeat-x top #2B6484;

    Nam Nguyen Phi Friend

    Ah, I’m sorry . I have a confuse.
    In your case, you use split menu so you must change in ja_menusja_splitmenuja.splitmenu.css.
    Pls open that file and replace:

    #ja-splitmenu li.active a, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:hover, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:active, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:focus {
    background:#91AE4E url(../../images/grad2-2.gif) repeat-x scroll center top;


    #ja-splitmenu li.active a, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:hover, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:active, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:focus {
    background:#91AE4E url(../../images/grad3.gif) repeat-x scroll center top;


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nam Nguyen Phi 16 years, 8 months ago.

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