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  • enjutsukai Friend

    I am having an issue with the menu module not changing when I choose Split, Moo or css. I can change the color, name and everything else but the menu module in JA_Kulanite does not seem to work for me… Is there a reason for this… I used the quick start for my installation.
    Oh I check the params.ini via ftp just to see if it is really changing and it does every time. Maybe this template doesn’t use the menu module type?

    2 parter…
    Does anyone know where I can change the width of the sub-menus. On the top menu when you hover over the tab and it shows the sub menu…HOW do I change the width of that sub menu to go wider… I checked the 3 different css’s and can find anything that says width.



    Sherlock Friend

    Can you give us your live URL, any screenshot or more details of the problem will be helpful

    enjutsukai Friend

    It seems to work in Firefox but not IE7. http://empireprint.com
    I have it set for red and my IE is showing orange.

    At this point Im glad it just shows up…

    Can you please tell me how to change the width of the sub menus so it will not take 2 lines



    Sherlock Friend

    You can change here:ja.moomenu.css (line 115)(templates/ja_kulanite/ja_menus/ja_moomenu folder)

    #ja-cssmenu ul a {
    width:12.8em;-> change width here

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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