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  • adnanpirota Friend

    What are the chances to have Top panel like in template Ja Social implemented in Ja Teline IV ?

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi @adnanpirota,

    you can add top panel in ja teline iv template with ja_toppanel module, to use this module in ja teline iv please do as following:
    – Install ja_toppanel module.
    – Config params as jasocial template.
    – Input module position = “top-panel” (or you can input other position name).
    – Go to template manager page, edit “ja_telineiv” template, click on “layouts” tab, and edit default layout.
    – Add new block on “default” layout.

    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="topbar" type="modules" style="raw">top-panel</block>

    Note: “topbar” is block name which ja teline iv template supported, “top-panel” is module position of ja_topanel.
    – Change some style on “template.css” to show correctly topanel on ja_teline iv template.

    jamjodesign Friend

    I would like to get this to work with JA Ores – I know there is no topbar in ja-ores right? – is there any extra steps to get it to work on ja-ores as its not showing for me?

    What I would actually like to do – is add the login and create account and also the top-panel and the date and update time to JA-Ores, the search and logo is already in JA-Ores – any help much apprecated. I really would love to be able to do this and am willing to try this out if maybe you could give me some guidance :-[

    thanks in advance and please click the image below to see what I am after – basically the JA-Social header are into the JA-Ores template would be amazing?

    1. ja-social-header-area
    Sherlock Friend

    Dear jamjodesign,

    You can just try as following to get the to-panel module working on the ja_ores
    open the file templatesja_oreslayoutsblocksheader.php here you should add the top-panel at the place you wanted,you should add this code
    [PHP] <?php if ($this->countModules(‘top-panel’)) { ?>
    <div id=”ja-top-panel” >
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”top-panel” style=”JAxhtml” />
    <?php } ?>[/PHP]

    Then insatll the mod_jatoppanel module and set it to the top-panel module,I think that it should help !

    jamjodesign Friend

    Thank you kindly, and how would I get the Login and create an account working in the top right hand corner of the site? Any help would be much apprecaited as I am not a coder but can follow instructions to get this working?:-[ thanks again for your time

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear jamjodesign,

    Do you meant the the Login and create an account working in the top right hand corner like on the Teline iii ,I am afraid that it is not supported in the ja_ores.

    jamjodesign Friend

    Hi there, I would like the Login and create an account in the top right like JA Social? Is this possible with Ja Ores?

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear jamjodesign,

    It is possible,you can take following steps to get your login module as on the ja social
    1) Have two templates ja ores and ja social installed on your local machine .
    2) Install the mod_jalogin module and assign it to the hotnews module position on the ja_ores site,you can download the module in here
    3) Copy the html overrride folder of the jalogin module from the social template and put it into the template folder of jaores
    I meant you copy this folder templatesja_socialhtmlmod_jalogin and put it into the folder of templatesja_oreshtml

    I hope that would help !

    jamjodesign Friend

    Thank you so much – let me try and il report back here with results.

    jamjodesign Friend

    Hi there, thanks for your help – but I just get the following when I follower your instructions. I have configured the JA Top Module like JA Social and put in the code in header.php

    Is there css changes? I dont get anywhere to click a drop down? Any other suggestions? please see below for what I get :-[

    1. top-panel
    jamjodesign Friend

    Hi there, I have tried added the Login and create an account as you suggested but again it did not work out as planned. Please see attached. I think I am missing something major – like css? or something?

    1. ja-login
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Please give me your site URL for further checking!

    5k18a Friend


    How can I change name of top panel? I have only “TOP PANEL” and i want to change name to quick contact. And nex question how can I change position of this Tab where is name of top panel? I dont want to change position off module but move it a little bit to the left side in the same module possition.

    jamjodesign Friend

    You can change the name in the launguages folder under the file in there I think.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@5k18a 224073 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    How can I change name of top panel? I have only “TOP PANEL” and i want to change name to quick contact. And nex question how can I change position of this Tab where is name of top panel? I dont want to change position off module but move it a little bit to the left side in the same module possition.</blockquote>
    could you provide a screenshot with some annotations of your idea?

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