Find ja_vars_1.0x.php and edit this (red color):
#support extra color themes
$ja_screen_sizes = array ('wide', 'wide'); // You can add more color array if needed
$ja_color_themes = array('default','black'); // You can add more color array if needed
$_params = new mosParameters('');
# Change the width of the template
$_params->set(JA_TOOL_SCREEN,'wide'); // wide, narrow
# default color
$_params->set(JA_TOOL_COLOR,'default'); //blank for default, else pick one of in extra color themes $ja_color_themes
#font size default
# Enable users option
$_params->set(JA_TOOL_USER,6); // 0: 0: disable all; 2: font tool; 4: color tool; 6: font + color;
# Choose your prefer Menu Type
$_params->set(JA_TOOL_MENU,'slide'); // split, dropline, slide
# Joomla menutype used in main navigation
$_params->set('menutype','mainmenu'); // split, moo, css, dropline