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  • glw35 Friend

    I would like to use a different, commercial slideshow system on the front page, but once I disabled ja_slideshow and enabled the other one, the border (content-top.png, content-bot.png and content-center.png) no longer showed up.

    After some digging, I found the ja.slideshow.css file which designates the borders around the slideshow.

    I wouldn’t imagine I would get much help troubleshooting a separate product, but are there any suggestions on separating the border from ja-slideshow to allow it to work with another module, or is there a suggestion on how to tie the same file into another module?

    glw35 Friend

    After some more digging, I found the equivalent of the other product’s CSS file. I will just have to manually configure that with similar settings to the original one.

    codestream Friend

    JA Zinc is a great template. Great work JA Team!

    This is something I’m really interested in. Would like to use that position ( ja_slideshow) for other purposes around the site, but the styling seems to only apply when using the ja_slideshow module.

    Would very much like to learn how to remedy this issue. Any tips from others, or the developers would be much appreciated..

    teetide Friend

    Same issue here. I want to use the ja_slideshow module position with Frontpage Slideshow. It looks to me like the ja.slideshow.css should be included in the template.css file to assign the styling to the module position rather than the extension.

    glw35 Friend

    I too used Frontpage Slideshow but the wrapper initially did not work. I found that the wrapper for both JA and frontpage slideshow is found in those mods CSS file.

    I didn’t understand at first, but it appears that seperating the two are how this template gets the cool separated effect. The actual page background only begins below the slideshow.

    So, if one were to get a 3rd party slideshow to work, find that specific CSS file. In the case of the one you are referring to, it’s under /modules/mod_fpss/mod_fpss/templates/The_Template then find the css file there.

    Since my slideshow has a static height and width, I ended up creating one static background for it instead of using a header, body and footer image. I think that just makes it more complicated than it needs to be (unless you don’t want to create a background.)

    The key is to play around with the padding to make sure the background show through on all sides.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  glw35 15 years, 10 months ago.

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