<em>@gmbilisim 291069 wrote:</em><blockquote>solved!
i have also anothejr problem, last changed near the date the top left corner says a time and after that PM or AM but that PM or AM letters are like ?? cjharacters</blockquote>
Was it before? I mean ?? instead of AM/PM?
If not, try to undo encoding of topbar.php to default ANSI. Then change
JText::_('Last update')
2. Open respective tr-TR.tpl_ja_teline_iv.ini from languages/tr-TR/ subfolder and insert at the end (this file should be encoded as UTF-8 without BOM)
LAST_UPDATE="Son Güncelleme"
If you don’t have tr-TR.tpl_ja_teline_iv.ini copy en-GB.tpl_ja_teline_iv.ini from languages/en-GB/ and rename it.