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  • brentwilliams2 Friend

    When I go into the database table “_ja_jobalerts” and look under the “latest_checked”, all fields are either NULL or “0000-00-00 00:00:00”. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean that a job alert has never been sent?

    How can I see if they are being sent out?

    (I currently have Using Psuedo Cron set to “Yes”)

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Brent,

    You could discover this feature in this function auto_send_mail_to_jobseeker_about_job at jafunction.class.php file.

    In addition, the condition to check the email sending for Jobalert is “lastest_sendmail” params which is stored in ja_config table under “jobalert_log” tab and run the cron task from link http://yourdomain.com/index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jacrons .

    Hope this helps.


    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi HeR0,
    This is what I see in the jobalert_log:

    {“8_1″:”6045″,”8_2″:”118,117,116,115,114,113,112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,101,100,99″,”8_3″:”13″,”is_completed”:”running”,”previous_sendmail”:”2013-09-13 03:45:21″}

    Does this imply that the last time emails were sent out was on 2013-09-13 03:45:21?

    HeR0 Friend

    Yes, the param is “lastest_sendmail” which means the emails were sent out at the time when the jobsalert finds out any a new item matching the condition.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Then there might be a problem. With a test job seeker account, I set up a job alert for Alaska. I then posted a job in Alaska, but received no email. The person in charge of our job listings also told me he set up a job alert a long time ago as a test, and has never received any job alerts.

    HeR0 Friend


    Could you pls pm me the super admin account then i can take a closer check ? I have just registered a new Jobseeker but i can not create any new job to check the Jobs alert feature. Further, the Jobseeker will receive Jobsalert email when there is new Job matching to the conditions. The duration is one of important condition for Job alert.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi Her0,
    I just PM’d you the account info.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi Her0 – I saw the test post – did you get a job alert after all?

    HeR0 Friend

    Yes, I’m checking but i do not get any email. Could you pm me the cpanel account? I need to closer check in the file cron task and database which relates to this function.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi Her0,
    I just sent you the Siteworx account info. I tried the initial CRON settings but they did not seem to work, so I tried using the format that was being used by other components successfully.

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Brent,

    I have just checked and saved the setting to use “Using Psuedo Cron” and the JobsAlert featured works now.

    Kindly check again and feel free to get back to me if it still persists.


    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi Her0,
    I finally got job alerts! But there is still two issues:

    1) I received alerts for jobs that had been unpublished. So every link I tried showed an expired job.
    2) The links did not use the proper menu link, so no modules showed up. I need to adjust the links so they are correct – where can I do that?


    brentwilliams2 Friend

    There is another problem:

    3) The filter doesn’t actually seem to work. The jobs that it sent me don’t match the criteria I set up at all.

    I am temporarily disabling the job alert email because I can’t have hundreds of alerts go out that don’t work.

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Brent,

    As this function has not worked for long time so the older data is still stored and will be cleared after some days when this function can work properly. Further, you need to check with new data: new job, new jobalert, …. for the same.

    <blockquote>The links did not use the proper menu link, so no modules showed up. I need to adjust the links so they are correct – where can I do that?</blockquote>

    In the jafunction.class.php file, you can find function update_email_template_field which renders to the email content in Job system.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    I see how that could happen, Her0, but I still think that the filter itself isn’t working. For example, I set up an alert for the state Alaska (location 16). As you can see, the location shows up properly in the _ja_jobalerts database for the alert, but it shows a whole list of job ids that are not located in Alaska. The only active job ids for Alaska are 467 and 731. So why is it showing all those other job ids?

    Here is another example. It is a screenshot of a job alert I received, where I was supposed to receive alerts when the job included the word, “Houston”. But none of the jobs shared with me included that keyword:

    (Note: I have turned off the job alert email again until this is resolved – I don’t want them thinking these emails are useless since they are not fitting their criteria)

    1. job-alert-problem
    2. job-alert-problem-email-screenshot
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