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  • belial Friend

    Hi, I need translate the confirm comment email, where is this file?
    Dear Administrator,

    This email is to confirm that you have successfully created a new comment on the issue http://www.website.com/noticias/62-animus-capacitan-lid#jacommentid:2 at http://www.website.com with the following details:

    Comment URL: http://www.website.com/noticias/62-animus-capacitan-lid#jacommentid:2

    Comment details:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et urna in lacus bibendum eleifend eu id nunc. Cras pretium accumsan orci, ut rutrum urna mollis eu. Integer a tellus dolor, eu vestibulum augue. Vestibulum in tellus eget ligula dapibus venenatis.

    Please check your mailbox periodically as we shall notify you if there is any new reply on this issue.

    Sincerely, http://www.website.com</blockquote>

    Thanks in advance

    hriedel Friend


    Have you tried to look within the native JA comment menu in the back end?
    Component – ja comment – email templates. There is a list of emails you can translate and edit there.

    Also maybe look in the documentation here:

    Hope it may help. 🙂

    belial Friend

    Thank you hriedel, you’re right!

    Best Regards

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  belial 13 years, 7 months ago.

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