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  • todor2012 Friend

    Hi, I would like to translate text that is displayed on the front page related to loading more data (when you scroll down) – “Loading the..”, “No more pages to load.”

    Can you give me a hint where is the text located.

    Best regards

    arucardx Friend

    Hmm.. which JA Wall version are you using? In 1.03 and before, you need to change those text in wall.js

    In 1.04, there’s two way to change it.

    1) index.php (Just replace the Jtext)
    [PHP]<script type=”text/javascript”>
    /* <!]> */

    2) Change the language file en-GB.tpl_ja_wall.ini (This one is in template/ja_wall/language since it’s a template overwrite)
    Look for TPL_LOADING_MESSAGE & TPL_FINISHED_MESSAGE. Replace the text with what you want to display.

    todor2012 Friend

    Thank you very much, the solution works perfect for me:)

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  todor2012 12 years, 3 months ago.

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