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  • Ricardo Miura Friend

    Hi, for some reason the translation next and prev button from thumbnail plugin it’s not work.
    I know that it’s automatic translate from joomla core language file, but for some reason it’s not working.
    Anyone could help me?


    1. Screen-Shot-2013-02-20-at-9.13.17-PM
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can find it here

    Open language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_plg_jathumbnail.ini file

    change it


    dieudonne Friend

    ! The good way is to create the file !
    Example for french, duplicate the file “en-GB.plg_content_plg_jathumbnail.ini”, and rename it to the correct language : fr-FR.plg_content_plg_jathumbnail.ini

    In this duplicate file, make the change for NEXT_JATHUMB and PREV_JATHUMB.
    Put it in language/fr-FR/ and clear all caches to see the changes.

    Ricardo Miura Friend

    Yeah, ok, but what if, I don’t find the file?

    I already try to create and nothing happen..

    1. Screen-Shot-2013-02-26-at-7.36.13-PM
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@ricardomiura 361937 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yeah, ok, but what if, I don’t find the file?

    I already try to create and nothing happen..</blockquote>

    With Brazilian language on your site. You can work as follows :

    Copy administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_plg_jathumbnail.ini file

    Paste to

    Open en-GB.plg_content_plg_jathumbnail.ini file on pt-BR folder and rename to pt-BR.plg_content_plg_jathumbnail.ini file

    You can change text


    lselbach Friend

    Hi there!
    I tried to do the same to JA Content Popup plugin, but the file

    Doesn´t have the PREV / NEXT entries.

    Any hint?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is bug on JA Content Popup module but i have fixed it and have been released on latest version but you can fix error this way

    + Open modules/mod_jacontentpopup/assets/js/skins/ja_slideshow/yoxview.ja_slideshow.js file



    change to


    + Change language file

    Open modules/mod_jacontentpopup/assets/js/lang/en.js file

    And change

    "Prev" : "Prev"
    "Next" : "Next"

    lselbach Friend

    Hi Ninja,
    Thanks for replying.

    My version already have a lang.Next code.

    I´m just curious why it didn´t opened the pt-br.js file – which is already translated, and it is my default language-, but opened the en.js.

    After making changes to en.js, it worked great.

    Just adding something else: the caption language are in the lines

    "PrevImage" : "Anterior",
    "NextImage" : "Proximo",

    So, everything is fine now.


    1437dk Friend

    Works great. But how do i translate til “of” (1 of 5)?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@1437dk 432808 wrote:</em><blockquote>Works great. But how do i translate til “of” (1 of 5)?</blockquote>

    You can try to change from the plugins/content/plg_jathumbnail/tmpl/thumbnail.php file as follows:

    <ul class="nav clearfix">
    <li class="prev"><?php echo JText::_('PREV_JATHUMB')?></li>
    <li class="counter"><?php echo JText::sprintf('<span class="item">%d</span> of <span class="total">%d</span>',1,count($images))?></li>
    <li class="next"><?php echo JText::_('NEXT_JATHUMB')?></li>

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