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  • jacardiel Friend

    Hi, I don’t know why the action blog “read more” in home is translate ok and when i enter in blog section this action don’t translate right.
    I attach images.
    Thanks in advance.-

    1. Read-more-blog-section
    2. read-more-blog-home
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi there,

    Are you using this template with Joomla version 1.5? Please check this file: componentscom_contentviewssectiontmplblog_item.php

    If there is line like:

    echo JText::sprintf('Read more...');
    You can translate Read more to your desired language.

    jacardiel Friend

    I use Joomla 2.5 and I don’t have the section folder in views folder.
    I attach image with the com_content/views directory

    1. components
    Saguaros Moderator

    Please pm me a private message with FTP account and which pages I should go to see this Readmore button.

    jacardiel Friend

    Hi Saguaros,
    actually I use xampp and my site is in local. The “Read more” show in all pages less the home that translate right.
    Any idea?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Which version of Joomla are you using?

    jacardiel Friend

    Joomla! Version Joomla! 2.5.4 Stable [ Ember ] 2-April-2012 14:00 GMT
    k2 2.5.7


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi jacardiel,

    You can check language file in your override language folder. For i.e, with default English language, open this file: languageen-GBen-GB.tpl_ja_kranos.ini and check the following line:


    jacardiel Friend

    I use spanish lanuguage. In the folder languagees-ES I have not the file es-ES.tpl_ja_kranos.ini.
    I copy the file en-GB.tpl_ja_kranos.ini in spanish folder and rename (es-ES.tpl_ja_kranos.ini.) and translate but the result is the same.
    I don’t understand why some words translate riht and read more not.
    Attach the image

    Any idea more?

    1. readmore
    Saguaros Moderator


    It’s hard for me to help without see the problem directly, could you have a look at the demo site:http://www.joomlart.com/demo/#joomla25-templates.joomlart.com/ja_kranos and you could find the same page(which has readmore) with your site now and tell me

    dagb Friend

    <em>@jacardiel 320503 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
    I use spanish lanuguage. In the folder languagees-ES I have not the file es-ES.tpl_ja_kranos.ini.
    I copy the file en-GB.tpl_ja_kranos.ini in spanish folder and rename (es-ES.tpl_ja_kranos.ini.) and translate but the result is the same.
    I don’t understand why some words translate riht and read more not.
    Attach the image

    Any idea more?</blockquote>

    I have the same problem in Norwegian, – using category blog. Sorry to see this thred stop here… I have created the languagefile and put it in all the language-folders, but no help. Have also translated the original en_GB tpl-languagefile keeping the filename and placement. Still I only get the JACOM_CONTENT_READ_MORE text, and no translation …. Heeeelp!


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi DagB,

    PM me with FTP account and please tell me readmore in which part you want to translate.

    Also include this thread url inside the message.


    dagb Friend

    Sent the PM last week, but no response…. Now I got a similar problem with the Mendozite-template and the JACOM_CONTENT_WRITTEN_BY-string, among others… I can put the translation into the com_content-laguagefile, but the author doesn’t show, – only the translated string…


    Saguaros Moderator

    HI dagb,

    I am sorry for this late response. Please post URL of site you’re working on, I don’t have it :). And, if possible, a screenshot of part where I can reproduce this issue.

    jacardiel Friend

    Hi Saguaros,
    I send you two link where show “Read more” instead of “Leer mas “(in spanish),
    Where have I change the traslation?



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