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  • studioinsight Friend

    2 questions:

    1) How can I translate the entries “Category”, “Created” and “add new comment” on the home page (I use k2 with JComment)
    2) how to remove the number of readings on the home page

    My url: http://www.agostinosella.it/index.php


    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi studioinsight,

    1) How can I translate the entries “Category”, “Created” and “add new comment” on the home page (I use k2 with JComment)
    => You can translate “Category”, “Created” in languageen-GBen-GB.tpl_ja_wall.ini file.
    For ‘add new comment’. Can you please send me ftp/admin access information so I can take a look. It seems you have installed an outdate JAWall version. I need to take further look.

    2) how to remove the number of readings on the home page
    => To remove the Hits number
    1. Open Article Manager
    2. Click on Options Button on the tool bar
    3. Active ‘Articles’ tab
    4. Set ‘Show Hits’ to ‘Hide’

    Hope this help.


    studioinsight Friend

    1) I used 1.0.1 and k2 2.5.4
    2) I use the K2 for Content Management

    Where can I send the pwd?

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi studioinsight,

    You can send the pwd to me via Private Message. Click on ‘Wall Crasher’ => ‘Private Message’ and send me the admin/ftp access information.

    I am waiting for you information. Thank you.


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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