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  • huena Friend

    I’m now translating JA comment Compornent ver. 1.0.3 for Joomla 1.6 into my language (Japanese).
    After I finished my translation, I found the translation was not applied.

    I set up the debug settings as “Yes” at the global settings of Joomla,
    and the debug display said that
    “administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jacomment.ini has errors at line 105, 106, 150, 151, 436 “.
    (As you see, Joomla! 1.6.4 ignores entire language file if it contains any grammatical mistakes.)

    These lines are the followings:
    [PHP]_BECAUSE_IT_ALREADY_EXISTS=”. Because it already exists.”
    _BECAUSE_WE_CANT_FIND_PARENT_OF_IT_IN_DATABASE=”. Because we can’t find parent of it in database.”
    _COLLAPSE_ALL_COMMENTS=”[-] collapse all comments”
    _EXPAND_ALL_COMMENTS=”[+] expand all comments”
    _PLEASE_CHOOSE_AN_OPTION_BELOW_AND_IT_WILL_BE_INSERTED_INTO_EMAIL_MESSAGE_=”– please choose an option below and it will be inserted into email message –“[/PHP]

    I noticed that these lines begin with “_”.
    So I guess the keyword which have “_” as the first character wouldn’t be accepted by Joomla.

    After I removed the “_” from *.ini and php code, I can see the translation is applied correctly.

    Please fix these words at the next release.
    Thank you in advance.

    I still found some words aren’t translated, and I guess these words aren’t included in *.ini or in php code.
    I’ll report them in another thread if I figure out the reason.

    Stork11 Friend


    Thank you for your reporting.

    I raised this issue here http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JAECCOMCOMMENTJVI-142 and it will be planned to fix in next version of JA Comment.

    Best regards.

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