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  • obliat Friend

    Well you can always hack the .php file and translate them there – I did it originally – but as said above it’s not a good idea and it worked for me with the language mod.

    Try clean the cache as well – it may help.

    steinar Friend

    <em>@fajertv 214330 wrote:</em><blockquote>in en-GB.mod_jabulletin.ini file
    but nothing changed ,,</blockquote>

    Copy the en-GB.mod_jabulletin.ini file from the English to your language folder and rename the prefix from en-GB. to your language and country code. That will probably help.

    Phan Gam Friend

    <em>@fajertv 214346 wrote:</em><blockquote>i tried that ,,
    the same ,, nothing changed</blockquote>

    Sorry for the inconvenience,

    In Teline iv, this module is overridden and Jtext for language are missing. we will update ASAP, but you can quickly fix as per my suggestions:

    1. Open file default.php under templatesja_teline_ivhtmlmod_jabulletin folder
    2. Find and replace code below:
    2.1. about line 52

    <span class="createdate"><?php echo JText::_('Post: '); echo JHTML::_('date', $item->date, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4')); ?></span>
    Replace by:

    <span class="createdate"><?php echo JText::_('POST'); ?> <span> <?php echo JHTML::_('date', $item->date, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4')); ?></span> </span>
    And about line 55

    <span class="createby"><?php echo JText::_('By: '); ?><span> <?php echo $item->creater;?></span></span>
    replace by

    <span class="createby"><?php echo JText::_('BY'); ?><span> <?php echo $item->creater;?></span></span>

    3. Open mod_jabulletin.ini in your language folder, add 2 lines
    POST = Post: # or your language
    BY = By:
    After saving please goto backend and clear all cache data.
    Hope that helps

Viewing 3 posts - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)

This topic contains 18 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Phan Gam 14 years ago.

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