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  • franckyky Friend


    I have a little problem with JAcomment about the translation of certain words
    For exemple :
    “Quote” : translate in french
    “comment as a guest” : no translate
    “Reply” : translate in french
    “submit comment” : no translate

    The variables are in “fr-FR.com_jacomment.ini” and the translation too …

    I don’t understand. Can anyone Help me please ?

    Joomla 1.7.0 JA Comment 1.1.0


    1. jacomment
    jooservices Friend

    there are missed some translate code
    lets me check it
    thank you
    viet vu

    jooservices Friend

    Would you mind update me a page you are talking about ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    franckyky Friend

    you can see an exemple here :


    the component has some words in french and some in English
    also the tooltips

    jooservices Friend

    I’ve just checked into code

    <span class="jac-form-guest">
    <label for="guestWebsite"><?php echo JText::_("TEXT_WEBSITE");?></label>
    <input id="guestWebsite" name="website" type="text" class="field text inputbox jac-inner-text" value="<?php echo JText::_("TEXT_WEBSITE");?>" size="18" tabindex="4" title="<?php echo JText::_("OPTIONAL_TEXT"); echo JText::_("IF_YOU_HAVE_A_WEBSITE_TEXT");?>" />
    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo JText::_("TEXT_WEBSITE");?>" id="jac_hid_text_website">

    <input type="button" class="btTxt" tabindex="9" onclick="postNewComment()" title="<?php echo JText::_("POST_NEW_COMMENT");?>" id="btlAddNewComment" value="<?php echo JText::_("SUBMIT_COMMENT");?>"/>

    Actually it’s already used JText for translate able.
    Would you mind check in fr language file have these translate string ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    franckyky Friend

    Sorry but I don’t understand … 🙁 What is JText ?


    jooservices Friend

    JText is a Joomla function to make text can translate able.
    As my code posted above, our JA Comment already for translate able. I see have no issue here.
    But would you mind check in your fr language file , does it already have these translate text for all of above ?
    For sample:

    TEXT_WEBSITE = 'your translate'
    OPTIONAL_TEXT = 'your translate'

    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    franckyky Friend

    ok thank’s for the information about JText

    in fr-FR.com_jacomment.ini I have this :

    TEXT_WEBSITE="Site Web"
    OPTIONAL_TEXT="(Optionnel) "

    jooservices Friend

    Please translate it into your Fr language 😀
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    franckyky Friend

    The problem is they are already in the FR language .ini :((

    on the website :

    TEXT_WEBSITE is translate by “site web” -> ok
    OPTIONAL_TEXT is no translate “(optional)” instead of “(optionnel)”

    that’s why I don’t understand

    PS :
    I use Notepad++ to edit my file, ’cause by the backend, the translation is no longer on the site

    jooservices Friend

    Let’s me check.
    Because i’ve tested my local and everything working well.
    ps:// got root for your contact issue

    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$email_to in components/com_contact/controllers/contact.php on line 127

    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    jooservices Friend

    Thank you sir, now i’ve reason to kill dev team.
    please check into file


    Please replace line 112 by below code

    <input id="guestWebsite" name="website" type="text" class="field text inputbox jac-inner-text" value="<?php echo JText::_("TEXT_WEBSITE");?>" size="18" tabindex="4" title="<?php echo JText::_("OPTIONAL_TEXT"); echo JText::_("IF_YOU_HAVE_A_WEBSITE_TEXT");?>" />

    Reason. In template override dev put wrong translate string.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    franckyky Friend

    It’s works !!!!!!
    Thank you very much VietVu 😎

    Now I must do the same for the button “submit comment” who’s not translated, the text “Comment as a guest or” and other tooltips.
    I’ll try to search for, now that I have some clues.

    Thank you for your help, I’m sorry to leave but in France it is 05:30 am.
    there are 20 hours that I’m up….
    I’ll go to sleep a bit and I stay in contact for the contact form problems

    Thanks again Vietvu


    jooservices Friend

    You are welcome.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    nosyweb Friend

    Hi franckyky,

    Do you have Joomla 1.7 ?
    I would like to translate the french .ini file. Are you ok to translate it together ?

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