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  • uzvezda Friend

    I have problem showing transmenu on linux OS and Joomla 1.0.x
    transmenu goes under photo slideshow in header position.
    It works on windows but on linux not.

    If any has such problem please let me know. I believe I’m not the first trying to looks well on linux as well


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Flash object is given preference in firefox. In linux you must be seeing it in firefox or mozilla. Even on windows if you view with firefox, you may see the problem. I have this problem even with my HTML site. Not sure of the exact solution to this.

    uzvezda Friend

    I can see well in firefox on windows, but on linux not.
    I searched for quite a lot of files to found a solution but no success.
    It might be some bug.
    Have you change a transmenu to other menu? how you avoided this problem

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Sorry, this reply of mine would be of little help to you.

    I use Ja Antares on J 1.10.x (a year back). I faced the problem of menu hiding behind the flash, i also could not solve the problem and so sadly had to replace the template.

    lets wait and see if any one have a solution to this.

    uzvezda Friend

    but thanks for your reply.
    I’ll keep digging I hope I’ll find something


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Sure do that, if you find the solution do post it here, in the mean time i will start my research again on this.


    qechols1 Friend

    Any luck on this? I have the same problem. The menus are all in a column and not horizontal. This goes for user4 and user3 in the template.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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