Even though brisk is a beautifully clean template, I had problems with the quickstart, and decided not to use it. I wanted to move into Joomla 3.01 as soon as possible to evolve into the next generation of Joomla, but got turned off. Your designs and layouts are outstanding, when they work properly.
BTW: Guys like me need a good responsive “world news” design that doesn’t follow the typical portfolio type grids so prevelant among the clubs. Most of what I do is non-profit news portals, and I promote JoomlArt as often as possible. Since I’m such a nice guy, I would like JA to come up with a stunning new responsive “News Room” Template. I’m using Teline IV at the moment, but it’s not tablet and mobile friendly. Please, please, please…. give me some hope for this soon? 😉