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  • Rishabh Friend

    Hi there !!

    I am using ja events as my landing page.. The trucks at the bottom are not showing in chrome and IE.. big problem.. please advice.. thanks..

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi Taral,

    I will check the jaanimation again, and will update it to fix this problem.
    Please view the bugs tracking page: http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JATCEVENTS-123


    chavan Friend

    Dear taral,

    To solve that problem for IE7, Chrome, please do the following step:
    Open this file: /templates/ja_events/css/template-ie7.css

    and insert these lines:

    div.ja-moduletable, div.moduletable { z-index:99999; }

    /* left, right baner —*/
    #ja-top-banner {
    #ja-left-banner {
    #ja-right-banner {

    Hope this would work, please let us know if have any problem.
    Thuan Nguyen

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  chavan 13 years, 3 months ago.

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