test melih
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  • armo Friend

    Hello, I want to change the option that says Try Discover Free that is on the right side of the Main Menu, below the template video. I am interested in changing the text and being able to make a link to a module or plugin that I want to add to upload a file. Someone who can help me indicating which option of the Joomla administrator I can modify these options. Thank you.

    Hola quiero cambiar la opción que dice Try Discover Free que se encuentra al lado derecho del Menú Principal, debajo del video de la plantilla. Me interesa cambiar el texto y poder hacer un link a un módulo o plugin que quiero añadir para subir un archivo. Alguien que me pueda ayudar indicando en que opción del administrador de Joomla puedo modificar estas opciones. Gracias.

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can customize the "Try Discover Free" string. The text is stored in language file of JA Appolio template.
    The en-GB.tpl_ja_appolio.ini file is located in languageen-GB.

    1. TPL_TRY_DISCOVER_FREE ="Try Discover Free"

    Beside the button is defined in the php code to open the off-canvas menu.
    Here : /tpls/blocks/off-canvas-login.php
    You can open the file to change the link of this button.


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