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  • amahadevan Friend


    I am using Ja Event Template

    My site URL http://sample.arpankuwait.org/

    am trying to increase the Width and height of the Logo. Also had reduced the height of header.main CSS File. But I see CSS file generated automatically each and every time. How will I able to do this ?

    What should I do for Permanent Changes in template.


    himangi Friend


    Try following.

    Edit template. In GLOBAL tab, find Optimise CSS and change the option to NO. Save the template and then make changes in css if they are not already present in the file..

    khoand Friend

    – To change height and width of logo, find this code from <joomla url>templatesja_eventscsstemplate.css file

    h1.logo a {
    background: url('/templates/ja_events/images/logo.png') no-repeat left;
    display: block;
    width: 435px; <--change value
    height: 85px; <--change value

    h1.logo {
    width: 341px; <--change value
    height: 85px; <--change value

    – To reduce the height of header.main, add this code into <joomla url>templatesja_eventscsstemplate.css file

    #ja-header .main {

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  khoand 13 years, 9 months ago.

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