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  • dvoid Friend

    Hi i’m using the social feed plugin and wish to turn off instagram so no posts from instagram show. Ive tried deleting the instagram profile but it wont let me as saying 1 profile has to exist. how do i stop instagram posting to my site?
    thanks for any advice that you can give

    gjrweb Friend

    Uhm just click the profile and delete?

    dvoid Friend

    <em>@gjrweb 321895 wrote:</em><blockquote>Uhm just click the profile and delete?</blockquote>

    I take it you haven’t actually tried this??? as if you click instagram and try to delete the preset profile it States:
    Failed Deleted! You must have at least one profile!
    therefore the profile remains active and is still posting instagram to my site, i’m asking how do you turn off instagram altogether


    gjrweb Friend

    We are happy with our wall 🙂 Not eager to delete all profiles 😉

    Suggestion: perhaps downgrade to the feed plugin without instagram support?

    dvoid Friend

    I’m glad you are happy with your wall I’m happy with mine, surely not the point like buying a new car that you cant park…. a simple ability to turn of the instagram feed, should be able to turn off any feed surely? what if a site dont have a twitter account, you cant turn that off either!

    renejdm Friend


    Just try clearing out the keyword field.


    vineyardseashell Friend

    Hi there,

    When I disabled the instagram, I simply created a new dummy account, gave it a name; left the instagram user name blank; Then I was able to delete the last sample account. The only one showing now is the dummy account I set up.

    From there I went into the categories and unpublished the ‘instagram’ category.

    Hope this helps you.


    renejdm Friend


    Thanks for that. I just tried clearing out the keyword field, but that doesn’t work. Creating a Dummy account does work.

    Now I just have to clear out the millions of instagrams.:)


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    <em>@dvoid 321814 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi i’m using the social feed plugin and wish to turn off instagram so no posts from instagram show. Ive tried deleting the instagram profile but it wont let me as saying 1 profile has to exist. how do i stop instagram posting to my site?
    thanks for any advice that you can give</blockquote>

    Please open the file: plugins/system/jasocial_feed/jasocial_feed.php

    Find and replace this code snippet:
    [PHP]$source = ‘instagram’;
    $profiles = jaSocialFeedGetProfiles($source);
    if(count($profiles)) {
    foreach ($profiles as $profile => $pName) {
    $data = jaSocialFeedGetProfile($source, $profile);
    if(is_object($data)) {


    [PHP]/*$source = ‘instagram’;
    $profiles = jaSocialFeedGetProfiles($source);
    if(count($profiles)) {
    foreach ($profiles as $profile => $pName) {
    $data = jaSocialFeedGetProfile($source, $profile);
    if(is_object($data)) {

    FYI: I will add new option for enable/disable profile in the next version.
    You can check it issue at http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JAECPLGSOCIALFEED-22

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Thanh Nguyen Viet 12 years, 7 months ago.

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