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  • pierotemplate1 Friend

    Hallo to all in the world (and Mars, Venus and Moon JA users, too!) 🙂

    In my Ores templates, I would to ‘localized’ Tweeter date info example:’ 2 days ago’ and the words ‘Follow <twitter id> on Twitter’.

    I opened in ‘../templates/jatweeter/tmpl all the files:

    1.default.ajax.php (modified words ‘Follow’ and ‘on Twitter’ inside)
    2.default.php (modified words ‘Follow’ and ‘on Twitter’ and the date-words ‘days ago’ inside)
    3.default2.php (modified words ‘Follow’ and ‘on Twitter’ inside)

    but I had no results, the english words are there like a millenarian stones!

    With surprise of me, I had renamed all this 3 php to do them invisible on system but… the Tweeter Module was on my Homepage with is right message from Tweeter, no errors and no invisibility appears, cache removed obs….

    Where is the mistery?! How is it possible that module run perfectly if I ‘kill’ its ../tmplt/php main files!?


    Thanks and ‘ciao’ to all friends!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello pierotemplate1!

    You try to translate all word by word inside the modules/mod_jatwitter/tmpl/defaut2.php

    <span><?php echo JTEXT::_(‘FOLLOW’);?> <?php echo $taccount; ?> <?php echo JTEXT::_(‘ON TWITTER’);?></span>


    pierotemplate1 Friend

    <em>@tienhc 184367 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello pierotemplate1!

    You try to translate all word by word inside the modules/mod_jatwitter/tmpl/defaut2.php

    <span><?php echo JTEXT::_(‘FOLLOW’);?> <?php echo $taccount; ?> <?php echo JTEXT::_(‘ON TWITTER’);?></span>


    Hallo Tienhc, thanks for aswering but…

    I wrote before that I had modified with translated words ‘default2.php’ (and dafault.php and default.ajax.php, too) but… nothing!
    Also, I renamed these 3 files (php > bak) to see the effect on homepage but… nothing…

    The twitter words are normally there in english like nothing is being!

    Is the twitter modules splatted over other ja-folder?? 🙂

    fowler21 Friend


    Change it here

    pierotemplate1 Friend

    OKKK! it run well (but not the minutes only days but it’s not a problem buahahah!!!

    Well done and thanks 🙂


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