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  • gverheij Friend


    I’m working on a site: J1.7.1 with JA_Social as the new template (T3 v1.3.4 / Template JA_Social v1.1.1). See the latest dev-site: http://www.e-sail.nl/cvu17. I use the JA_Twitter module version 1.1.0

    I have the Twitter module on my site but no tweets are shown. I’v read the forum and tried several things:
    – I’ve changed curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60) in jatwitter.php
    – I’ve disabled cache of the module
    – I’ve disabled the custom-html module (with the Twitter-Timeline-script from Twitter). When enabled, that module shows tweets, but doesn’t look very nice)

    Please help!

    Thanks, Gerard

    jooservices Friend

    Please update me with your site backend access / FTP than i can help you for checking.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    gverheij Friend

    :confused: Pretty strange, but when I returned from lunch it seems to work now. It must have something to do with cache-refresh-times ?
    Right it does not work anymore, but I repostioned the Twitter-module to another position, so I assume that the tweets will return in 10 minutes or so…

    gverheij Friend

    It is still not working, which cache should I make empty or reset to check the settings? Can it be the cache of the browser?

    Another problem is now that the follow-me button under the tweets does not work. It links to Twitter.com, but there is displays “Something is technically wrong.”

    The problem occurs because the follow-me button jumps to http://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=CentrumUrologie
    It works when www is added: http://www.twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=CentrumUrologie ??

    Please verify and let me know what the best solution is to solve this.. Thanks!


    jooservices Friend

    Please PM w/ your backend & FTP access than i can help you for checking ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    writeonwoman Friend

    Not sure why but posts keep disappearing. It works when I install, but shortly thereafter, the posts do not show.

    jooservices Friend

    By logic it should be working fine. But some case
    – Have lots of visitor -> make limited of API
    – Caching trouble
    – Curl trouble

    As i have mentioned above. Please allow me access your site for checking around ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

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