This is our faults for not checking the codes and guides. Sorry for any inconveniences! We’re updating all the wrong lines and this problem will soon be fixed.
To use the Blockquote styles, please use the example mark-up below:
Style 1:
<blockquote><span class="open">T</span>his is a sample Blockquote.</blockquote>
Style 2:
<blockquote><span class="open">T</span>his is a sample Blockquote<span class="close">.</span></blockquote>
Style 3:
<blockquote class="quote-hilite"><span class="open">T</span>his is a sample Blockquote Highlight<span class="close">.</span></blockquote>
Create a new temporary article with all the examples provided above to see how it works! 😉
Thank you!