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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator


    Links module using Uber ACM Accordion:
    SERVICES: http://supplychainvn.com/index.php/services
    RECRUITMENT: http://supplychainvn.com/index.php/join-us

    Both these pages giving 404 error . Here > http://i.imgur.com/5R6vSE8.png
    could u re check it and update me where i can check the problem on your site . Also the product page seems working fine at my end .

    Ly Long Ly Long Friend

    Sorry about this mistake. The above links are ok now.

    Best regards,

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Both pages JA ACM module is working fine at my end > http://prntscr.com/9kjh2f
    Could u provide steps how to reproduce the problems .

    Ly Long Ly Long Friend

    Well, it seem like ok. But, when i want to change content on Uber ACM Accordion, it doesn’t work.

    For example JA Accordion Module SALES EXECUTIVE (http://supplychainvn.com/index.php/join-us),
    I can’t change and store any content for 2 field ACCORDION_NAME_LABEL, ACCORDION_DESCRIPTION_LABE(links module at backend http://supplychainvn.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_modules&view=module&layout=edit&id=184)

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    its does not seems like its issue due to JA Accordian module becasue the module is unpublished , the problem is may be from the JA ACM itslef , either style not supported here or you did not imported All the files on JA Hotel as given in this doc .
    Kindly take a full backup of your site and update T3 plugin and JA ACM module http://prntscr.com/9kjspu to latest version . once done update me with your site FTP details , i will debug the issue on your site .

    Ly Long Ly Long Friend

    Well, many thanks for the advices

    Just because template JA Hotel using mod_ja_acm.v2.0.8
    But JA ACM Accordion and Tabs we extract form template JA Rent using mod_ja_acm.v2.0.9

    Just update mod_ja_acm and reinstall ACM package

    Best regard,

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    once done update me with your site FTP details , i will debug the issue on your site .

    Is it solved after update ?

    Ly Long Ly Long Friend

    Yes, It has been solved.

    Best regard,

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