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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    The placeholder in the JA Uber are defined in the scripts.js file in the /js folder .
    Here : http://prntscr.com/a4bb62 You need to define the same in the template script.js file .

    Hope it helps .

    Ulysses Friend

    Thanks Pankaj..

    I did do exactly; as mentioned, but it seems since I am not fluent in js I may have messed up exactly the sorting of the code.

    After your comment, I decided I once again reviewed the script.js in uber versus nuevo and noticed that they are completely different and calling on different commands. Therefore to simplify things, I just renamed the "script-uber.js" file to "script-uber.js", then added to assets.xml as a seperate js file.

    It seems to work with no conflict and might be the best solution…
    Correct me, if I am wrong..?

    Which is great, because once I had enabled Combine CSS and javascript files I would loss captcha; so knew something wasn’t right…

    At least it works and captcha is active with combining both css and js now..

    Always happy to hear others input..

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    In this case i am afraid to say but both are different template and using different style and files merging the same files can make further problems and conflicts . For the contact form placeholder
    If you wish me to check it You can post your site super user details via Private reply.

    Ulysses Friend

    Hmmmm, funny you should say that, because I think that is what is going on… lol.. Have to laugh at it and send a message to anyone wanting to try what I thought "may" work.. It could have been a combination of things, since I made a valiant attempt to copy over some of the css layouts and html folders… Guess you are right…

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Sorry if here is misunderstanding but both are different templates and multiple script can make issues on site . So i asked the details to check the customization did by you for contact page and will try to add Placeholders .


    Ulysses Friend

    I understand, guess we are simply going to have to wait till we are able to walk through the backend site.. As we are currently in lock-down for user errors….

    As soon as I am able to get in, I will have the bouncer put you on the VIP list; so you can make your way to the bar and help situate this hot mess.

    thank you

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You are welcome .
    if you have any issue in do not hesitate to open a new thread on forum .
    Regards .

    Ulysses Friend
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    Ulysses Friend
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    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    To use ACM in this template , You need to follow this doc and then move the All acm files/folder in the
    /templates/ja_nuevo/acm/ of your site just like in JA Uber .

    For the placeholder work , i tried to edit files but your template directory is not writable /permission issues : http://prntscr.com/a6e09d

    Please check .

    Ulysses Friend
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    Ulysses Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    For acm module language issue kindly follow the suggestion given here by Erogon .
    Copy the language string from from Uber template to JA Nuevo manually .
    Acymailing override path in Uber : /templates/uber/html/mod_acymailing
    For other features i am afraid both are different template and use different style and files . you need to do custom work to apply the same style on other blocks to give same look of JA Uber . This is out of JA support scope . I suggest you to hire a developer for such customization .

    Ulysses Friend

    Done.. Thanks

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