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  • mamieadom Friend


    I allready have a web site, so, I don’t use the quickstart install. After the manually install, The probleme is the themes are not installed. The choice list is empty (see screenshot)

    1. Capture-d’écran-2016-08-29-à-09.53.57-1
    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Uber template has no themes created per default , if you need a theme you can use thememagic feature to create a new theme to use.

    mamieadom Friend

    in your page : https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/uber-template/uber-template-installation#manual-installation
    with the quick install you speack about 10+ sample sites (screenshot of your website page)

    1. Capture-d’écran-2016-08-29-à-10.39.01
    pavit Moderator

    I think there is a misundertood here between themes and sample sites , if you want to have a quickinstall for each sample site then you will need to install the quickstart version and after installation select which sample site you want, or if you choose manual installation then you will need to manually create your websites as demo , this is described into documentation at THIS URL.


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