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  • theprofessor Friend

    OK, so I thought I had this solved before when I sent a support ticket to Joomlart.

    Initially, I couldn’t get my modules to show up on other pages except a couple. Joomlart advised they had fixed the issue.

    Now I have a significant problem:
    1. When you click on an article on my site in either the main content or MyBlogs area, it just opens up the Home page again.

    Temporary dev url is

    EDIT: OK, I just noticed that the problem only occurs when the user is logged in.

    I also have a 2nd problem:

    2. I cannot disable some modules from showing up on certain pages. Ie. JA Slideshow is showing up on articles pages when they are opened.


    Anonymous Moderator


    I checked your website and saw that some articles which are showing in the frontpage are not in a section or category.

    It is cause the system will auto assign Itemid=1 to the link.
    Please kindly check again

    theprofessor Friend

    Ok, I have made sure that all articles are in appropriate sections and categories.

    I still have the same problems:

    1. I cannot remove JA Slideshow and User 5 module from other pages. I only want these on Home page.

    2. When user is logged in, articles on Home page will not open. Page just redirects back to home page.

    theprofessor Friend

    JA Developer, I sent you a PM, please take a look. Thx 🙂

    theprofessor Friend

    I have no idea how this got marked as “Answered” but there is nothing answered about this.

    theprofessor Friend

    OK, I am posting this for the 3rd time because the first two times I posted these issues and contacted Joomlart for help, I got insufficient one sentence responses, marked the thread “Answered”, and then never responded to any of my posts asking for more help because their solutions did not help solve my problems. Frustrated? A little. I feel like they are not paying attention to their paying customers.

    I have a site that is supposed to go live in 9 days and I’m having major issues.

    Anyways…here we go…

    I thought I had this solved before when I sent a support ticket to Joomlart.

    Initially, I couldn’t get my modules to show up on other pages except a couple. Joomlart advised they had fixed the issue, but it spawned new issues.

    Temporary dev url is:

    Now I have 2 significant problems:

    1. When you click on an article on my site in either the main content or MyBlogs area, it just opens up the Home page again. **This only happens when a user is logged in. It is not a problem when just an unregistered guest is viewing the site,

    2. I cannot disable some modules from showing up on certain pages. Ie. JA Slideshow and module in User 5 position is showing up on other pages, even though they are specified to only show on the home page. OR ELSE, maybe the problem is that the articles are opening up on the Home page. I can’t tell which.

    Any suggestions, or if anyone from Joomlart could kindly spend more than 15 seconds looking at this to help me solve these issues would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks 🙂

    jsliao Friend

    answered does not mean solved. answered just means someone from technical support of joomlart have responded to you.

    threads merged

    theprofessor Friend

    <em>@jsliao 132172 wrote:</em><blockquote>answered does not mean solved. answered just means someone from technical support of joomlart have responded to you.

    threads merged</blockquote>

    I understand that, but I’m assuming they cross that off their support ticket list.

    So…I created a new thread in order to create a new ticket.

    Phill Moderator

    Have you fixed it yet?

    theprofessor Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 132175 wrote:</em><blockquote>Have you fixed it yet?</blockquote>

    Not yet……

    cjmicro Friend

    Are you sure all your modules are set to the right permissions? In other words, are some only showing when logged in because you have them set to show to only registered users, or something like that?

    Just a thought.


    theprofessor Friend

    <em>@cjmicro 132217 wrote:</em><blockquote>Are you sure all your modules are set to the right permissions? In other words, are some only showing when logged in because you have them set to show to only registered users, or something like that?

    Just a thought.


    Hi Cheryl,

    Thank you for the suggestion, but I am positive that is not the problem.

    I surely hope for some JA Support. I have sent two tickets in over the past couple days, without any response aside from a one sentence answer that did nothing to solve my problems.


    theprofessor Friend

    Phill was kind enough to find out that it was AlphaUserPoints extension that is causing the issues.

    Thank-you Phill!

    I will take my issues over to AlphaPlug (although there’s not much support there) or perhaps Joomlancers to hire someone to help me with a solution.


Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  theprofessor 15 years, 3 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum